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Built-in user services

EBX® includes a number of built-in user services. Built-in user services can be used:


This reference page describes the built-in user services and their parameters.


Access data (default service)

By default, workflows automatically consider this service as complete. That is, the 'Accept' button is always available.

This is the default service used if no service is specified.

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
disableAutoCompleteDisable Accept at startBy default, the interaction associated with this service is directly considered as complete. Therefore, the Accept button is automatically displayed at the opening of the work item. This parameter is useful to disable this behavior. If the value is 'true', the developer will be in charge of completing the interaction by using SessionInteraction in a user service or a trigger, for example. The default value is 'false'. Perspectives do not use this parameter.
firstCallDisplayFirst call display modeDefines the display mode that must be used when displaying a filtered table or a record upon first call. Default (value = 'auto'): the display is automatically set according to the selection. View (value = 'view'): forces the display of the tabular view or of the hierarchical view. Record (value = 'record'): if the predicate has at least one record, forces the display of the record form.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
versionSnapshotThe identifier of the specified snapshot - A dataspace is required for this service.
viewPublicationViewThe publication name of the view to display. The view must be configured for the selected table.
xpathDataset node (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax.

Create a new record

For a workflow, the creation service is considered complete when the first successful submit is performed (record has been created). If this service is called whereas it is already complete, the created record is displayed in update or read-only mode (depending on the user rights).

Service name parameter: service=@creation

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - This field is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace - This field is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
xpathDataset table (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax - This field is required for this service.

Output parameters

createdCreated recordContains the XPath of the created record.

Duplicate a record

For a workflow, the duplicate service is considered complete when the first successful submit is performed (record has been created). If this service is called whereas it is already complete, the created record is displayed in update or read-only mode (depending on the user rights).

Service name parameter: service=@duplicate

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - This field is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace - This field is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
xpathRecord to duplicate (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of an existing record. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax - This field is required for this service.

Output parameters

createdCreated recordContains the XPath of the created record.

Export data to an XML file

The exportToXML service is considered complete when export is done and file downloaded.

Service name parameter: service=@exportToXML

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace - This field is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
versionSnapshotThe identifier of the specified snapshot - A dataspace is required for this service.
xpathDataset table to export (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax - This field is required for this service.

Export data to a CSV file

Workflows consider the exportToCSV service as complete when export is done and file downloaded.

Service name parameter: service=@exportToCSV

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace - This field is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
versionSnapshotThe identifier of the specified snapshot - A dataspace is required for this service.
xpathDataset table to export (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax - This field is required for this service.

Import data from an XML file

Workflows consider the importFromXML service as complete when import is performed.

Service name parameter: service=@importFromXML

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace - This field is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
xpathDataset table to import (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax - This field is required for this service.

Import data from a CSV file

Workflows consider the importFromCSV service as complete when import is performed.

Service name parameter: service=@importFromCSV

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace - This field is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
xpathDataset table to import (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax - This field is required for this service.

Access a dataspace

A workflow automatically considers that the dataspace selection service is complete.

Service name parameter: service=@selectDataSpace

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
versionSnapshotThe identifier of the specified snapshot - A dataspace is required for this service.

Validate a dataspace, a snapshot or a dataset

Workflows automatically consider the validation service as complete.

Service name parameter: service=@validation

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace or snapshot is required for this service.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
versionSnapshotThe identifier of the specified snapshot - A dataspace or snapshot is required for this service.

Output parameters

hasErrorFound errorsContains 'true' if validation has produced errors.
hasFatalFound fatal errorsContains 'true' if validation has produced fatal errors.
hasInfoFound informationsContains 'true' if validation has produced informations.
hasWarningFound warningsContains 'true' if validation has produced warnings.

Merge a dataspace

Workflows consider the merge service as complete when merger is performed and dataspace is closed.

Service name parameter: service=@merge

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.

Output parameters

mergeResultMerge successContains 'true' if merge succeeded, otherwise 'false'.
mergeStateMerge stateContains the return code of the merge. It is strongly recommended to parse this value by using the InteractionMergeState UIHttpManagerComponentReturnCode.

Access the dataspace merge view

The merge.view service is automatically considered complete.

Service name parameter: service=@merge.view

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace is required for this service.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.

Compare contents

Workflows automatically consider the compare service as complete.

Service name parameter: service=@compare

Input parameters

branchDataspaceThe identifier of the specified dataspace - A dataspace or snapshot and a dataspace or snapshot to compare to are required for this service.
compare.branchDataspace to compareThe identifier of the dataspace to compare - A dataspace or snapshot and a dataspace or snapshot to compare to are required for this service.
compare.filterComparison filterTo ignore inheritance and function fields in the comparison (disable resolved mode), the filter "persistedValuesOnly" must be specified. By default, when no filter is defined, the comparison uses resolved mode.
compare.instanceDataset to compareThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace to compare.
compare.versionSnapshot to compareThe identifier of the snapshot to compare - A dataspace or snapshot and a dataspace or snapshot to compare to are required for this service.
compare.xpathTable or record to compare (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table or a record in the selected dataset to compare. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax.
instanceDatasetThe value must be the reference of a dataset that exists in the selected dataspace.
scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service, namely, the entities that the user is able to select during their session. If left blank, the default value will be used. For perspectives, the default value is always 'node'. For workflows, the default value depends on the selected entities or service.
trackingInfoTracking informationTracking information is logged into 'history' logs. It may also be used for any other purpose like access control or additional export information.
versionSnapshotThe identifier of the specified snapshot - A dataspace or snapshot and a dataspace or snapshot to compare to are required for this service.
xpathTable or record (XPath)The value must be a valid absolute location path of a table or a record in the selected dataset. The notation must conform to a simplified XPath, in its abbreviated syntax.

Data workflows

This service provides access to the data workflows user interfaces.

Service name parameter: service=@workflow


This service is for perspectives only.

Input parameters

scopeScopeDefines the scope of the user navigation for this service.
viewPublicationView publicationDefines the publication name of the view to apply for this service.
workflowViewWorkflow viewSpecifies the workflow view type. Value can be one of the following: "inbox", "launcher", "monitoringPublications", "monitoringWorkflows", "monitoringWorkItems" or "completedWorkflows".
xpathFilter (XPath)An optional filter. The syntax should conform to an XPath predicate surrounded by "[" and "]".
Documentation > Reference Manual > Integration