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REST Toolkit


TIBCO EBX® offers the possibility to develop custom REST services using the REST Toolkit. The REST Toolkit supports JAX-RS 2.1 (JSR-370) and JSON-B (JSR-367).

A REST service is implemented by a Java class and its operations are implemented by Java methods. The response can be generated by serializing POJO objects. The request input can be unserialized to POJOs. Various input and output formats, including JSON, are supported. For more details on supported formats, see media types.

Rest Toolkit supports the following:

Application definitions

An EBX® module, that includes custom REST services, must provide at least one REST Toolkit application class. A REST Toolkit application class extends the EBX® RESTApplicationAbstract class. The minimum requirement is to define the base URL, using the @ApplicationPath annotation and the set of packages to scan for REST service classes.


Only packages accessible from the web application's classloader can be scanned.


It is possible to register REST resource classes or singletons, packaged inside or outside the web application archive, through the ApplicationConfigurator.register(java.lang.Class) or ApplicationConfigurator.register(java.lang.Object) methods.


If no packages scope is defined, then every class reachable from the web application's classloader will be scanned.

The application path cannot be "/" and must not collide with an existing resource from the module. It is recommended to use "/rest" (the value of the RESTApplicationAbstract.REST_DEFAULT_APPLICATION_PATH constant).

EBX® Documentation annotation is optional. It is displayed to administrators in 'Technical configuration' > 'Modules and data models' or when logging and debugging.

import javax.ws.rs.*;

import com.orchestranetworks.rest.*;
import com.orchestranetworks.rest.annotation.*;

@Documentation("My REST sample application")
public final class RESTApplication extends RESTApplicationAbstract
   public RESTApplication()
      // Adds one or more package names which will be used to scan for components.
      super((cfg) -> cfg.addPackages(RESTApplication.class.getPackage()));

Service and operation definitions

A REST Toolkit service is implemented by a Java class and its operations are implemented by its methods.

Class and methods can be annotated by @Path to specify the access path. The @Path annotation value defined at the class level will prepend the ones defined on methods. Warning, only one @Path annotation is allowed per class or method.

Media types accepted and produced by a resource are respectively defined by the @Consumes and @Produces JAX-RS annotations. The supported media types are:

Valid HTTP(S) methods are specified by JAX-RS annotations @GET, @POST, @PUT, etc. Only one of these annotations can be set on each Java method (this means that a Java method can support only one HTTP method).

Warning: URL parameters with a name prefixed with ebx- are reserved by REST Toolkit and should not be defined by custom REST services, unless explicitly authorized by the EBX® documentation.

URL and sample

The REST URL to access the description service for the sample is defined below:

http[s]://<host>[:<port>]/<path to webapp>/rest/track/v1/description



Please note that /rest/track/v1/description corresponds to the concatenation of the application's @ApplicationPath and service's @Path annotations.

The following REST Toolkit service sample provides methods to query and manage track data:

import java.net.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
import java.util.regex.*;
import java.util.stream.*;

import javax.servlet.http.*;
import javax.ws.rs.*;
import javax.ws.rs.container.*;
import javax.ws.rs.core.*;

import com.orchestranetworks.rest.annotation.*;
import com.orchestranetworks.rest.inject.*;

 * The REST Toolkit Track service v1.
@Documentation("Track service")
public final class TrackService
	private ResourceInfo resourceInfo;

	private SessionContext sessionContext;

	private static final Map<Integer, TrackDTO> TRACKS = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	 * Gets service description
	@Documentation("Gets service description")
	@Produces({ MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN, MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON })
	public String handleServiceDescription()
		return this.resourceInfo.getResourceMethod().getAnnotation(Documentation.class).value();

	 * Selects tracks.
	@Documentation("Selects tracks")
	public Collection<TrackDTO> handleSelectTracks(
			@QueryParam("singerFilter") final String singerFilter, // a URL parameter holding a Java regular expression
			@QueryParam("titleFilter") final String titleFilter) // a URL parameter holding a Java regular expression
		final Pattern singerPattern = TrackService.compilePattern(singerFilter);
		final Pattern titlePattern = TrackService.compilePattern(titleFilter);

		return TRACKS.values()
				.filter(track -> singerPattern == null || singerPattern.matcher(track.singer).matches())
				.filter(track -> titlePattern == null || titlePattern.matcher(track.title).matches())

	private static Pattern compilePattern(final String aPattern)
		if (aPattern == null || aPattern.isEmpty())
			return null;

			return Pattern.compile(aPattern);
		catch (final PatternSyntaxException ignore)
			// ignore invalid pattern
			return null;

	 * Counts all tracks.
	@Documentation("Counts all tracks")
	public int handleCountTracks()
		return TRACKS.size();

	 * Selects a track by id.
	@Documentation("Selects a track by id")
	public TrackDTO handleSelectTrackById(@PathParam("id") Integer id)
		final TrackDTO track = TRACKS.get(id);
		if (track == null)
			throw new NotFoundException("Track id [" + id + "] does not found.");
		return track;

	 * Deletes a track by id.
	@Documentation("Deletes a track by id")
	public void handleDeleteTrackById(@PathParam("id") Integer id)
		if (!TRACKS.containsKey(id))
			throw new NotFoundException("Track id [" + id + "] does not found.");

	 * Inserts or updates one or several tracks.
	 * <p>
	 * The complex response structure corresponds to one of:
	 * <ul>
	 *  <li>An empty content with the <code>location<code> HTTP header defined
	 *   to the access URI.</li>
	 *  <li>A JSON array of {@link ResultDetailsDTO} objects.</li>
	 * </ul>
	@Documentation("Inserts or updates one or several tracks")
	public Response handleInsertOrUpdateTracks(List<TrackDTO> tracks)
		int inserted = 0;
		int updated = 0;

		final ResultDetailsDTO[] resultDetails = new ResultDetailsDTO[tracks.size()];
		int resultIndex = 0;

		final URI base = this.sessionContext.getURIInfoUtility()

		for (final TrackDTO track : tracks)
			final String id = String.valueOf(track.id);
			final URI uri = UriBuilder.fromUri(base).segment(id).build();

			final int code;
			if (TRACKS.containsKey(track.id))
				code = HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT;
				code = HttpServletResponse.SC_CREATED;

			TRACKS.put(track.id, track);

			resultDetails[resultIndex++] = ResultDetailsDTO.create(

		if (inserted == 1 && updated == 0)
			return Response.created(resultDetails[0].details).build();

		return Response.ok().entity(resultDetails).build();

	 * Updates one track.
	@Documentation("Update one track")
	public void handleUpdateOneTrack(@PathParam("id") Integer id, TrackDTO aTrack)
		final TrackDTO track = TRACKS.get(id);
		if (track == null)
			throw new NotFoundException("Track id [" + id + "] does not found.");

		if (aTrack.id != null && !aTrack.id.equals(track.id))
			throw new BadRequestException("Selected track id [" + id
				+ "] is not equals to body track id.");

		TRACKS.put(aTrack.id, aTrack);

This REST service uses the following Java classes, which represent a Data Transfer Objects (DTO), to serialize and deserialize data:

 * DTO for a track.
public final class TrackDTO
	public Integer id;
	public String singer;
	public String title;
import java.net.*;

 * DTO for result details.
@JsonbPropertyOrder({ "code", "label", "foreignKey", "details" })
public final class ResultDetailsDTO
	public int code;
	public String label;
	public String foreignKey;
	public URI details;

	public static ResultDetailsDTO create(
		final int aCode,
		final String aForeignKey,
		final URI aDetails)
		return ResultDetailsDTO.create(aCode, null, aForeignKey, aDetails);

	public static ResultDetailsDTO create(
		final int aCode,
		final String aLabel,
		final String aForeignKey,
		final URI aDetails)
		final ResultDetailsDTO result = new ResultDetailsDTO();
		result.code = aCode;
		result.label = aLabel;
		result.foreignKey = aForeignKey;
		result.details = aDetails;
		return result;

Serialization of a table record

Built-in serializers

Default JSON serializers and deserializers are provided to handle table records when declared in DTOs as ContentHolders. Both extended and compact JSON formats of record are supported.

 * DTO for a singer.
public final class SingerDTO
		dataModel = "urn:ebx:module:tracks-module:/WEB-INF/ebx/schemas/tracks.xsd",
		tablePath = "/root/Singers")
	public ContentHolder content;

A same DTO can be used for serialization and deserialization. In case of serialization, a ContentHolderForInput instance will be automatically created and filled with the proper data. Afterwards, this instance will be able to copy its data into a ValueContextForUpdate. To deserialize a table records, a ContentHolderForOutput must be created in the REST operation JAVA method and returned. The provided Adaptation data will then be transformed into a valid peace of JSON and placed into the HTTP response body.

 * The REST Toolkit Singer service v1.
@Documentation("Singer service")
public final class SingerService

	 * Selects a singer by id.
	@Documentation("Selects a singer by id")
	public SingerDTO handleSelectSingerById(final @PathParam("id") Integer id)
		// find the singer adaptation by id
		final Adaptation singerRecord = ... ; 
		final SingerDTO singerDTO = new SingerDTO();
		singerDTO.content = ContentHolderForOutput.createForRecord(singerRecord);
		return singerDTO;

	 * Inserts one singer.
	@Documentation("Inserts one singer")
	public void handleInsertOneSinger(final SingerDTO aSingerDTO)
		final ProgrammaticService svc = ... ;
		final AdaptationTable singersTable = ... ;
		final ProcedureResult procedureResult = svc.execute(
				(aContext) -> {
					final ValueContextForUpdate createContext = aContext.getContextForNewOccurrence(singersTable); ;
					aContext.doCreateOccurrence(createContext, singersTable);

		if (procedureResult.hasFailed())
			throw new UnprocessableEntityException(
	 * updates one singer.
	@Documentation("updates one singer")
	public void handleUpdateOneSinger(@PathParam("id") final Integer id, final SingerDTO aSingerDTO)
		final ProgrammaticService svc = ... ;
		final AdaptationTable singersTable = ... ;
		final ProcedureResult procedureResult = svc.execute(
				(aContext) -> {
					// find the singer adaptation by id
					final Adaptation singerRecord = ... ;

					if (singerRecord == null)
						throw new NotFoundException("Singer with the id ["+ id + "] has not been found.");

					final ValueContextForUpdate createContext = aContext.getContext(singerRecord.getAdaptationName()); ;
					aContext.doModifyContent(singerRecord, createContext);

		if (procedureResult.hasFailed()){
			final Exception ex = procedureResult.getException();
			final Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
			if(cause instanceof NotFoundException)
				throw (NotFoundException) cause;

			throw new UnprocessableEntityException(ex.getLocalizedMessage());

The default JSON format of the responses, only composed of business data fields, is called compact.


To add technical fields or metadata, the ExtendedOutput annotation must be placed over the ContentHolder field. The annotation must declare every wished options or the ALL one.

 * DTO for a singer with technical fields.
public final class SingerWithTechnicalsDTO
		dataModel = "urn:ebx:module:tracks-module:/WEB-INF/ebx/schemas/tracks.xsd",
		tablePath = "/root/Singers")
	public ContentHolder content;
   	"label": "23",
   	"creationDate": "2018-09-04T15:35:10.706",
    "creationUser": "user",
    "lastUpdateDate": "2018-10-02T17:05:47.090",
    "lastUpdateUser": "user",
  			"label":"First Name"
  			"label":"Last Name"

Custom serializers

Since TIBCO EBX® is based on JSON-B (JSR-367), custom serializers and deserializers can be defined through JsonbTypeSerializer and JsonbTypeDeserializer annotations.

 * DTO for a vynil.
public final class VinylDTO
	public TrackDTO track;

Authentication and lookup mechanism

A custom REST service developed with REST Toolkit supports the same authentication methods and lookup mechanism as the built-in REST data services. However, there is a slight difference concerning the 'Anonymous authentication Scheme' since its scope can be wider by using the AnonymousAccessEnabled. See REST authentication and permissions for more information.

REST authentication and permissions

By default, every REST resource Java method requires users to be authenticated.

However, some methods may need to be accessible anonymously. These methods must be annotated by AnonymousAccessEnabled.

Some methods may need to be restricted to given profiles. These methods may be annotated by Authorization to specify an authorization rule. An authorization rule is a Java class that implements the AuthorizationRule interface.

import javax.ws.rs.*;

import com.orchestranetworks.rest.annotation.*;

 * The REST Toolkit service v1.
public final class Service

	 * Gets service description
	public String handleServiceDescription()

	 * Gets restricted service
	public RestrictedServiceDTO handleRestrictedService()

URI builders

REST Toolkit provides an utility interface URIInfoUtility to generate URIs. An instance of this interface is accessible through the injectable built-in object SessionContext.

URI builders for built-in

Several URI builders interfaces have been designed to ease built-in RESTful services URI build. Each interface constitute an aggregation of methods related to the same functional concept. This division allows development of modular and generic algorithms. Some of these interfaces are themselves aggregation of other ones, leading to intuitive use of the builders since only consistent combination of method calls are allowed. For example, a URI builder configured for the REST hierarchy category will not allow calls to record URI build methods, since record access are part of the REST data category concept.

Moreover, these URI builders are preconfigured according to:

See URIBuilderForBuiltin and CategoryURIBuilder for more information.

URI builders for resources

URI builders to generate resource access URI are also available. Since resources are seen as only one functional concept, every methods have been defined in the same interface.

Like the URI builder for built-in data services, these ones are already preconfigured according to:

URI builders for server and application

When URIs to services or resources not covered by the previous builders must be build, the default preconfigured URI builders should be used. There are two default URI builders which only differ in their ending path segment. The first one end its path at the server's segment (just before the EBX® module segment) and the second at the REST application's last segment (defined in the @ApplicationPath annotation).

These default URI builders are already preconfigured according to:

Exception handling

A REST Toolkit Java method can produce a standard HTTP error response by throwing a Java exception that extends the JAX-RS class javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException. JAX-RS defines exceptions for various HTTP status codes. EBX® defines UnprocessableEntityException that adds support for the HTTP 422(Unprocessable entity) code.

Plain Java exceptions are mapped to the HTTP status code 500 (Internal server error).

  "userMessage": "...", // Mandatory localized message
  "errorCode":   "999", // EBX® error code (optional, used mainly for HTTP error 422)
  "errors": [           // Internal messages useful when debugging (optional).
                        // Usually not displayed to the user and not localized.
     "Message 1", "Message 2" }


REST Toolkit events monitoring is similar to the data services log configuration. The difference is the property key which must be ebx.log4j.category.log.restServices.

Some additional properties are available to configure the log messages. See Configuring REST toolkit services for further information.

Packaging and registration

All applications and components are required to be packaged into the module's Web Application (war file).

The JAX-RS libraries, except the JAX-RS client API, are already included in ebx.jar and must not be packaged in the war file.

See Java EE deployment for more information.

The registration of a REST Toolkit application is integrated into the EBX® module registration process. The registration class must extend ModuleRegistrationListener, declare the Servlet 3.0 annotation @WebListener and override the handleContextInitialized method.

See Module registration for more information.

import javax.servlet.annotation.*;

import com.orchestranetworks.module.*;

public final class RegistrationModule extends ModuleRegistrationListener
	public void handleContextInitialized(final ModuleInitializedContext aContext)
		// Registers dynamically a REST Toolkit application.
Documentation > Developer Guide