Documentation > User Guide > Datasets
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Creating a dataset

Creating a root dataset

To create a new root dataset, that is, one that does not inherit from a parent dataset, select the 'Select dataset' /ebx_menu.pngmenu in the navigation pane, click the 'Create a dataset' button in the pop-up, and follow through the wizard.


This area is available only to authorized users in the 'Advanced perspective' or from a specifically configured perspective.

The wizard allows you to select one of three data model packaging modes on which to base the new dataset: packaged, embedded, or external.

After locating the data model on which to base your dataset, you must provide a unique name, without spaces or special characters. Optionally, you may provide localized labels for the dataset, which will be displayed to users in the user interface depending on their language preferences.


Table contents are not copied when duplicating a dataset.

Creating an inheriting child dataset

The inheritance mechanism allows datasets to have parent-child relationships, through which default values are inherited from ancestors by descendants. In order to be able to create child datasets, dataset inheritance must be enabled in the underlying data model.

To create a child dataset, select the 'Select dataset' /ebx_menu.pngmenu in the navigation pane, then click the /ebx_add.png button next to the desired parent dataset.

As the dataset will automatically be based on the same data model as the parent dataset, the only information that you need to provide is a unique name, and optionally, localized labels.

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Documentation > User Guide > Datasets