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TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework

Overview and purpose

TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework allows customers to implement support for the specific data source types within TIBCO® Metadata Agent through specific adapters.

An adapter is a separate Java application that ensures one or several of EBX® Metadata Management capabilities for a given data source type(s):

TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework includes following elements:

Extending metadata extraction capabilities

To extend existing metadata extraction capabilities you need to implement an adapter using Java programming language in respect with defined interfaces contract.

The adapter must respect following rules:

Metadata Agent leverages Spring Boot 2.5.4 framework. The adapter implementation must include Spring annotations for services (org.springframework.stereotype.Service).

Recommended adapter project structure

The adapter can be developed in any way that is comfortable for the responsible development team. Below is a recommended structure based on Maven dependencies management and architecture best practices for Java projects.


The main project contains three module projects and one configuration project:

Module name



Bundle project that defines how to assemble your adapter into one jar file and allows to manage dependencies in a simple way.


Common library code for your adapter. Typically this would host error management framework and some common properties and utilities as well as i18n resources.


Project folder that hosts properties and configuration files for your adapter.


Code implementing agent services inside your adapter.

Register adapter in TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework

In order to register an adapter in TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework you must follow these steps:

1. Implement the registration service

The registration service for your adapter must implement the dedicated Agent interface service and its main method addAdapterInfos().

This method allows you to create an adapter information object where you must provide the following information about your adapter:




Technical name of the adapter. It must match the value you’ll use for the implementation annotations and for the Agent’s property


Implementation version for your adapter.


Your company name.


Corresponding version of the supported metadata provider.


Adapter description that will be shown in EBX®.

2. Provide suitable annotations

In order to be recognized by TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework each service class that you consider implemented must be annotated with having as value your adapter technical name (provided in the Agent’s property and in the attribute name of the Adapter information object).

Each operation in the service that you consider implemented must be annotated with

3. Add adapter name and properties to main agent’s properties

Following properties must be modified to indicate that the Agent should load your adapter:

#Comma-separated list of packages to scan for adapters classes, com.mycompany.agent #Comma separated list of profiles (corresponding to adapter technical names),myadapter

4. Add adapter name to the active profiles

Edit your Java launch configuration for the Agent to add your adapter name as profile:,myadapter

5. Add adapter jar and optionally properties to the Agent’s CLASSPATH.

Deploy your adapter jar and optionally any properties/configuration files that are required by your code on Agent’s CLASSPATH.

Activate your adapter for the suitable data source types in file as described in Installing the TIBCO® Metadata Agent.

Implementing main capabilities

The following metadata capabilities can be implemented by an adapter:

General implementation rules

Each custom service that implements main metadata capabilities must comply with following rules:

  1. Each service class that you consider implemented must be annotated with having as value your adapter technical name (provided in the Agent’s property and in the attribute name of the Adapter information object).

  2. Each service class must be annotated with Spring org.springframework.stereotype.Service annotation.

  3. Each operation in the service that you consider implemented must be annotated with

  4. For each object of type created by the adapter, you must populate at least sourceId, sourceType, datasourceType and name attributes.

Data source management

Data source management capability covers following operations with data sources in the metadata provider system:

This capability can be extended by implementing the service.

Metadata harvesting

Metadata harvesting capability covers following operations for data sources and underlying resources in the metadata provider system:

This capability can be extended by implementing the service.

Data profiling

Data profiling information can be added to a metadata exchange object.

This capability can be extended by implementing the service, method addProfilingToAsset.

Data sampling

Sample data can be requested from a source system for a given data source/resource.

This capability can be extended by implementing the service.

Metadata provisioning

Metadata provisioning capability covers operations that are for goal to provide some existing data sources/resources to a public space on the metadata provider system.

This capability also allows to create a new data source/resource based on several existing ones.

Following operations are supported:

This capability can be extended by implementing the service.

Lineage extraction

Lineage information can be extracted from the source system if the source system supports this. This information can also be added to the Metadata exchange objects and pushed through TIBCO® Metadata Agent to {{ site.PRODUCT_NAME_R }} and stored as technical flows.

This capability can be extended by implementing the service.

Exceptions management

A specific exceptions management framework is provided as part of TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework.

This framework includes the following elements:

To implement your specific exception, you need to extend the generic exception class with suitable constructors and override getErrorBundle() method to return the name of your error messages file. This file is expected to be available inside src/main/resources folder with following naming convention:

<error bundle name>_<language 2 letters code>.properties

Language code is optional, if not indicated the bundle will be considered applicable for English language.


To add specific error reasons for your exception(s), you need to create an enum in your project that implements MetadataExceptionReason interface and define your error messages keys into it.

public enum MyMetadataExceptionReason implements MetadataExceptionReason {


    private MyMetadataExceptionReason(final String ckey) {
        this.key = ckey;

    private String key;

    public String getKey() {
        return key;

If you don’t wish to define specific exceptions, you can use generic technical exception provided by TIBCO® Metadata Agent Framework represented by the class ''

This exception can be instantiated using a string message or a Throwable object.


No specific logging framework is provided as of today.

TIBCO Metadata Agent leverages slf4j logging framework to write functional messages in suitable log files.

For consistency, we recommend you using the same framework for your adapter and avoid using System.out.print/println to write messages.

Documentation > Administration Guide > EBX® Metadata Management application > Metadata Agent