On the first start, the agent subscribes to the corresponding EBX® system. As a result of this interaction, a GUID will be stored in the agent storage and used for all exchanges between the agent and EBX®. If you delete a managed agent in the EBX® Administration perspective, the GUID stored on the agent’s side will no longer be valid. To recreate a deleted agent, you have to delete the agent’s H2 database (configDB.mv.db
) and restart the agent. It will automatically subscribe to the EBX® Metadata Management application and obtain a new GUID.
The Public key (JWT) is a unique token used for additional security in exchanges between the agent and the EBX® Metadata Management application.
It is valid 60 days and expires automatically after. Connections with an expired JWT are not accepted by the EBX® Metadata Management application and a specific exception is generated to notify the agent that its public key is no longer valid: JWT for the Agent with id xxx has expired or is not valid. Please, get update the JWT in the Agent’s properties.
After seeing this message you need to obtain a new JWT from a EBX® administrator, copy-paste it in the public-key property in the agent’s properties file and restart the agent.
If you need to migrate your existing Agent and preserve its connection to the EBX® Metadata Management application, please, follow the process below:
Stop agent.
Backup agent’s database and Quarz Scheduler database by copying files configDB.mv.db
and quartzDB.mv.db
Backup your application.properties
Install the agent on the new instance.
Copy databases backup into [[Installation folder]]/storage
Copy properties file into [[Installation folder]]/conf
Update ma.http.ws-url
and ma.http.port
Update other properties if necessary.
Restart agent. It will automatically update registration information in EBX®.