Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Documentation > Administration Guide > Installation & configuration
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Configuration notes

Memory allocated to the app server

Since the query engine retrieves the necessary information from persistent storage, the memory allocated to the Java Virtual Machine (usually specified by the -Xmx parameter) can be kept low. We recommend setting this figure to less than 1/3rd of the total memory available on the OS. We also advise to stay below 32 GB, which should fit all reasonable use cases, and allow benefiting from the Compressed Ordinary Object Pointer feature.

Memory allocated to the OS

On the OS running the application server, it is important to leave sufficient room to the OS cache, letting it optimize access to the persistent Lucene indexes. Indeed, once these have been loaded from the file system, the OS uses its memory cache to speed up subsequent accesses to this same data, and avoid reloading it every time from the disk. This is only possible if sufficient RAM has been left for this purpose.

It is also necessary to configure the OS so that the JVM process can reserve the resources required by numerous memory-mapped files (see this article for details). On a Linux OS, this can be done by issuing the following commands:

ulimit -n 512000
sysctl vm.max_map_count=262144
Documentation > Administration Guide > Installation & configuration