Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Documentation > Migration Guide
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Environment and hardware requirements

Supported environments

Only an EBX® 5.9 repository can be migrated to EBX® 6. If you are using an earlier version, the repository must first be migrated to version 5.9. Additionally, migration for 6.0 Beta release repositories to a 6 GA version is not supported.

See Supported environments for more details on the necessary upgrades show below:

Browser support

Please note that Microsoft Internet Explorer and the non-Chromium version of Microsoft Edge are not supported anymore.

JVM support

Required Java Runtime Environment: either JRE 17 or 21 LTS. Java 8 and 11 are no longer supported.

IBM support

WebSphere Application Server 9 is no longer supported.

WebSphere Application Server Liberty, for Java EE 8 only, is supported from versions 6.0.0 up to, but excluding, 6.2.0. Subsequently, from version 6.2.0 onwards and due to Jakarta EE 9+ migration, only Websphere Application Server Liberty 23, or higher, for Jakarta EE 10, is supported.

Oracle support

Oracle 12c is no longer supported. The minimum supported version of Oracle is now 19c.

PostgreSQL support

PostgreSQL 10 and 11 are no longer supported. The minimum supported version of PostgreSQL is now 12.

Microsoft support

SQL Server 2012 SP4 is no longer supported. The minimum supported version of SQL Server is now 2014.

Hardware resources

You might need to upgrade your hardware as EBX® 6 introduces Apache Lucene to manage data indexes. Indexes are now offloaded from memory to persistent storage. In addition to the high-level recommendations in the following table, you should carefully review the information contained in Performance and tuning:




  • Ensuring sufficient disk space is available to persist the Lucene indexes.

  • Using a high-performing drive such as an SSD.

  • If using a Storage Area Network (SAN), pairing it with a other high performance technology such as Fiber Channel (FC).

See the performance section on disks for more information regarding disk requirements.

  • Lowering memory allocation to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

  • Ensuring memory allocation to the OS is sufficient.

  • Tuning the garbage collector to improve performance.

See the performance section on memory for more information regarding memory requirements.

Not recommended

  • Sharing the EBX® root directory with other EBX® instances. This includes sharing between the active and standby instances when failover with hot standby is configured.

  • Storing the root directory, which contains the Lucene indexes, on a network attached volume (NAT).

  • Using anti-virus software on the root directory.

See the performance section on disks for more information regarding disk requirements.

Documentation > Migration Guide