Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Documentation > Developer Guide > EBX® Script IDE
Navigation modeDocumentation > Developer Guide > EBX® Script IDE

User interface reference

Navigation pane

The Navigation pane is located on the left of the screen and functions like a file explorer. It's where you can browse and select your scripts. Additionally, it has quick action icons that take you to specific components in the Data Model Assistant (DMA) and publish scripts.

Two main sections provide top-level organization for scripts that apply to Data models and those that apply to Workflow models. Note that the data models include navigation and the workflow scripts do not. This is because data model scripts such as functions and triggers are applicable to specific data models, whereas workflow scripts can be used in any workflow model.


The following image and table describe available icons and actions in the Navigation pane:


The Publish all icon /uiPublishScriptIcon.png publishes all scripts in a given data model.


The View in DMA icon /uiOpenDMAIcon.png opens the Data model assistant (DMA) with the selected item in focus.


The Create button creates a new workflow script.


The Delete icon /uiDeleteWorkflowIcon.png displays when you mouse over a script and deletes the corresponding workflow script.


The Workspace is the main area where you write and edit scripts; it's where the coding takes place. The Workspace contains the following tabs and sections:

Documentation > Developer Guide > EBX® Script IDE