The eFTL REST API offers a lightweight alternative for publish, subscribe, and key/value map operations. You can use it to publish messages to a channel, to create durable subscribers on a channel, and to get messages from durable subscribers. You can use it to set, get, and remove key/value pairs in a map.

Send REST requests to the FTL server, which redirects them to the eFTL service.

This API can access FTL channels and EMS channels.

With proper authorization, you can publish to any channel.

In contrast, you can subscribe only on channels configured for persistence. The reason is that client and the eFTL service do not maintain a connection. It is as if every subscribe API request comes from a new client. The durable subscription paradigm provides continuity for this transient client model.

You can use key/value map operations only on channels configured for persistence with a dynamic map template.

Response Codes

An HTTP response code in the 200 family indicates a successful operation. If the HTTP response code is not 200, the response body may contain additional error information indicated by the following error codes:

  • 11: Publish failed
  • 12: Publish not authorized
  • 13: Subscription not authorized
  • 14: KV Map request not authorized
  • 21: Subscription failed
  • 22: Subscription invalid
  • 30: KV Map request failed