Destination Overview

The following table summarizes the differences between static, dynamic, and temporary destinations. The sections that follow provide more detail.

Aspect Static Dynamic Temporary
Purpose Static destinations let administrators configure EMS behavior at the enterprise level. Administrators define these administered objects, and client programs use them—relieving program developers and end users of the responsibility for correct configuration. Dynamic destinations give client programs the flexibility to define destinations as needed for short-term use. Temporary destinations are ideal for limited-scope uses, such as reply subjects.
Scope of Delivery Static destinations support concurrent use. That is, several client processes (and in several threads within a process) can create local objects denoting the destination, and consume messages from it. Dynamic destinations support concurrent use. That is, several client processes (and in several threads within a process) can create local objects denoting the destination, and consume messages from it. Temporary destinations support only local use. That is, only the client connection that created a temporary destination can consume messages from it.

However, servers connected by routes do exchange messages sent to temporary topics.

Creation Administrators create static destinations using EMS server administration tools or API. Client programs create dynamic destinations, if permitted by the server configuration. Client programs create temporary destinations.
Lookup Client programs lookup static destinations by name. Successful lookup returns a local object representation of the destination. Not applicable. Not applicable.
Duration A static destination remains in the server until an administrator explicitly deletes it. A dynamic destination remains in the server as long as at least one client actively uses it. The server automatically deletes it (at a convenient time) when all applicable conditions are true:
  • Topic or Queue

    All client programs that access the destination have disconnected.

  • Topic

    No offline durable subscribers exist for the topic.

  • Queue

    Queue, no messages are stored in the queue.

A temporary destination remains in the server either until the client that created it explicitly deletes it, or until the client disconnects from the server.