Limits the number of operators that the server reviews during selector evaluation.
selector_logical_operator_limit = number
The server evaluates operators until reaching the specified number of false conditions. The server then stops evaluating further to protect itself from too many recursive evaluations. A very long selector clause, such as one including many OR conditions, can cause recursive selector evaluation and lead to a stack overflow in the EMS server.
number may be any positive integer. The default value is 5000. Zero is a special value, indicating no limit.
For example, if selector_logical_operator_limit = 10 and the selector is:
a=1 or b=2 or c=3 or d=4 or e=5 or f=6 or g=7 or h=8 or i=9 or j=10 or k=11 or l=12 or m=13 or n=14 or o=15 or p=16 or q=17 or r=18 or s=19 or t=20 or u=21 or v=22 or w=23 or x=24 or y=25 or z=26
if the first 10 conditions are false, the server stops further evaluation.
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