Using Other Configuration Files

In addition to the main configuration file, there are several other configuration files used for various purposes.

These configuration files can be edited by hand, but you can also use the administration tool or the administration APIs to modify some of these files. See EMS Administration Tool for more information about using the administration tool.

Configuration File Description
acl.conf Defines EMS access control lists.
bridges.conf Defines bridges between destinations.
durables.conf Defines static durable subscribers.
factories.conf Defines the connection factories stored as JNDI names on the EMS server.
groups.conf Defines EMS groups.
jaas.conf Locates and loads the LoginModule.
queues.conf Defines EMS Queues.
routes.conf Defines routes between this and other EMS servers
stores.conf Defines the locations, either store files or a database, where the EMS server will store messages.
tibrvcm.conf Defines the TIBCO Rendezvous certified messaging (RVCM) listeners for use by topics that export messages to a tibrvcm transport.
topics.conf Defines EMS Topics.
transports.conf Defines transports used by EMS to import messages from or export messages to external message service, such as TIBCO FTL, Rendezvous, and SmartSockets.
users.conf Defines EMS users.