


Create a new EMS lookup context object.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsLookupContext_Create(
    tibemsLookupContext* context,
    const char* brokerURL,
    const char* username,
    const char* password );

tibems_status tibemsLookupContext_CreateSSL(
    tibemsLookupContext* context,
    const char* brokerURL,
    const char* username,
    const char* password,
    tibemsSSLParams sslParams,
    const char* pk_password );


CALL "tibemsLookupContext_Create"
     USING BY REFERENCE context,
           BY REFERENCE brokerURL,
           BY REFERENCE username,
           BY REFERENCE password,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsLookupContext_CreateSSL"
     USING BY REFERENCE context,
           BY REFERENCE brokerURL,
           BY REFERENCE username,
           BY REFERENCE password,
           BY VALUE sslParams,
           BY REFERENCE pk-password,
           RETURNING tibems-status
Note: context and sslParams have usage pointer.

On IBM z/OS systems, the pk-password must always be a null value.


Parameter Description
context Store the new lookup context object in this location.
brokerURL URL that the context object uses to connect to the EMS server at this URL. If configuring a fault-tolerant client, enter two of more URLs, as described in Configuring C and COBOL Clients for Fault-Tolerant Connections.
username User name that the context object uses to identify itself to the server.

Password that the context object uses to identify itself to the server.


Data that the context object uses to create an SSL connection to the EMS server.


Password that the context object uses to decrypt its SSL private key.


The first call produces a lookup context that communicates with server without encryption. The second call produces a lookup context that communicates using an SSL connection.

If the server permits anonymous lookup, you may supply null values for the username and password parameters.