


Set a connection factory’s parameters for connecting through an SSL proxy.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsConnectionFactory_SetSSLProxy(
    tibemsConnectionFactory factory,
    const char* proxy_host,
    tibems_int proxy_port);


CALL "tibemsConnectionFactory_SetSSLProxy"
     USING BY VALUE factory,
           BY REFERENCE proxy-host,
           BY VALUE proxy-port,
           RETURNING tibems-status
Note: factory has usage pointer.


Parameter Description
factory Set the SSL proxy host and port on this connection factory.
proxy_host The connection factory establishes SSL communication through a web proxy at this host. Supply a simple hostname, a fully qualified hostname with domain name, or an IP address (dot notation).
proxy_port The connection factory establishes SSL communication through a web proxy on this port.


An SSL proxy lets an EMS application create an SSL connection to an EMS server, even though a firewall separates the application from the server. The proxy usually runs within the firewall’s DMZ.

A connection factory contacts the SSL proxy, requesting an SSL connection to the server. The proxy authenticates the application program, and mediates the initial SSL negotiation between application and server. After the SSL connection is established, the application and server use it to communicate directly with one another.