Wildcards in Topics
TIBCO Enterprise Message Service enables you to use wildcards in topic names in some situations.
- You can subscribe to wildcard topics.
If you subscribe to a topic containing a wildcard, you will receive any message published to a matching topic. For example, if you subscribe to foo.* you will receive messages published to a topic named foo.bar.
You can subscribe to a wildcard topic (for example foo.*), whether or not there is a matching topic in the configuration file (for example, foo.*, foo.>, or foo.bar). However, if there is no matching topic name in the configuration file, no messages will be published on that topic.
- You cannot publish to wildcard topics.
- If foo.bar is not in the configuration file, then you can publish to foo.bar if foo.* or foo.> exists in the configuration file.
- On routed topic messages, subscribers must specify a topic that is a direct subset (or equal) of the configured global topic. For more information, see Wildcards.
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