


Set the server URL.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsConnectionFactory_SetServerURL(
    tibemsConnectionFactory factory,
    const char* url );


CALL "tibemsConnectionFactory_SetServerURL"
     USING BY VALUE factory,
           BY REFERENCE url,
           RETURNING tibems-status
Note: factory has usage pointer.


Parameter Description
factory Set the server URL of this connection factory.
url The factory object contacts the EMS server at this URL, to access a corresponding factory defined by the administrator.

Reconnect and Fault Tolerance

To enable reconnection behavior and fault tolerance, the connection factory’s server URL parameter must be a comma-separated list of two or more URLs. To enable client reconnection in a situation with only one server, you may supply two copies of that server’s URL (for example, tcp://localhost:7222,tcp://localhost:7222).

Note that tibemsConnectionFactory_SetServerURL can be used to set the server URL for a connection factory only once. If the URL has previously been set for the connection factory, tibemsConnectionFactory_SetServerURL returns the status code TIBEMS_EXCEPTION.

When specifying an IPv6 address, use square brackets around the address specification. For example, tcp://[2001:cafe::107]:7222.