Health Checks: Liveness and Readiness Probes

Refer to the OpenShift and Kubernetes documentation for a description of health checks.

For an EMS server container, a liveness health check helps detect when an EMS server is not running. When this health check fails a number of times in a row, the EMS server container is restarted.

A readiness health check helps detect when an EMS server that is up and running is not in the active state. When this health check fails a number of times in a row, the EMS server endpoints are removed from its container, such that the server is made unreachable. As it may or may not fit your operations, it is up to you to decide whether you need the readiness health check. If not relevant, you may remove the health check from the template.

The sample probes are configured in the deployment object:
       path: /isLive
       port: probe-tcp
     initialDelaySeconds: 1 (1)
     timeoutSeconds: 5 (2)
     periodSeconds: 6 (3)
       path: /isReady
       port: probe-tcp
     initialDelaySeconds: 1 (1)
     timeoutSeconds: 5 (2)
      periodSeconds: 6 (3)

(1): Number of seconds after the container has started before the probe is initiated.

(2): Number of seconds after which the probe times out. Defaults to 1 second. Minimum value is 1.

(3): How often (in seconds) to perform the probe. Defaults to 10 seconds. Minimum value is 1.