show queue
show queue queue-name
Shows the details for the specified queue.
Note: If the queue is a routed queue, specify only the name of the queue (do not specify the server using the
queue-name@server form).
Heading | Description |
Queue | Full name of the queue. |
Type | dynamic—created by a client
static—configured by an administrator |
Properties | A list of property names that are set on the queue, and their values. For an index list of property names, see Destination Properties. |
JNDI Names | A list of explicitly assigned JNDI names that refer to this queue. |
Bridges | A list of bridges from this queue to other destinations. |
Receivers | Number of consumers on this queue. |
Pending Msgs | Number of all messages in the queue, followed by the number of persistent messages in parenthesis.
These counts include the number of delivered messages. |
Delivered Msgs | Number of messages in the queue that have been delivered to a consumer, but not yet acknowledged. |
Pending Msgs Size | Total size of all pending messages, followed by the size of all persistent messages in parenthesis. |
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