show store

show store store-name

Show the details of a specific store. This command can be used to get details about either a file-based store or a database store.

The store-name must be the exact name of a specific store.

This command prints a table of information described in the following table.

Heading Description
Store Name of the store.
Type Type of store:
  • file indicates a file-based store.
  • dbstore indicates a database store.
  • mstore indicates an mstore.
Message Count The number of messages that are stored in the file.
Swapped Count The number of messages that have been swapped from process memory to store file.
Average Write Time Average time in seconds a write call takes. (Not available for asynchronous file stores.)
Write Usage The ratio between time spent within write calls and the time specified by the server_rate_interval. (Not available for asynchronous file stores.)
Headings specific to file-based stores
File File name associated with this store file, as it is set by the file parameter in the stores.conf file.
Access Mode asynchronous—the server stores messages in the file using asynchronous I/O calls.

synchronous—the server stores messages in the file using synchronous I/O calls.

Pre-allocation Minimum The amount of disk space, if any, that is preallocated to this file.
CRC enabled—the server uses CRC to validate checksum data when reading the store file.

disabled—the server does not validate checksum data when reading the store file.

Periodic Truncation enabled—the EMS server occasionally truncates the store file, relinquishing unused disk space.

disabled—the EMS server does not truncate the store file to relinquish unused disk space.

Destination Defrag Batch Size The size of the batch used by the destination defrag feature.
File Size The size of the store file, including unused allocated file space.
Free Space The amount of unused allocated file space.
Fragmentation The level of fragmentation in the file.
Used Space The amount of used space in the file.
Message Size Total size of all messages in the file.
Swapped Size The total size of swapped messages in the file.
Storage Write Rate The number of bytes written per second.
Headings specific to mstores

Note that output for mstores includes many of the same fields available to file-based stores.

Access Mode asynchronous — the server writes messages in the mstore files using asynchronous I/O calls.

synchronous — the server writes messages in the mstore files using synchronous I/O calls.

Time-bound compact available — this mstore can be compacted in a time-bound manner or through the mstore_truncate property.

unavailable — this mstore cannot be compacted in a time-bound manner or through the mstore_truncate property.

Periodic Truncation enabled — the server occasionally truncates the mstore files, relinquishing unused disk space.

disabled — the server does not truncate the mstore files to relinquish unused disk space.

Discard Scan Interval The maximum length of time that the EMS server takes to examine all messages in the mstore. This interval is controlled with the scan_iter_interval parameter in the stores.conf file.
Discard Scan Interval Bytes The bytes read and processed every Discard Scan Interval. This number is proportional to the mstore file size, and must be kept within the limits of your storage medium. See Understanding mstore Intervals for more information.
First Scan Finished true—all the data in the store has been examined at least once since the EMS server startup.

false—not all data has been examined since the EMS server last started. When false, certain server statistics (such as the Message Count field) may be underreported as a result of expired or purged messages still in the store. See Implications for Statistics for more information.

Storage Write Rate The number of bytes written per second.
Headings specific to database stores
JDBC Driver Name The name of the JDBC database server.
JDBC URL The location of the JDBC database server.
Username The username that the EMS server uses to access the database.
Dialect The SQL dialect used to construct SQL commands.