


Set the identity of the client program.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_SetIdentity(
    tibemsSSLParams SSLParams,
    const void* data,
    tibems_int size,
    tibems_int encoding );

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_SetIdentityFile(
    tibemsSSLParams SSLParams,
    const char* filename,
    tibems_int encoding );

IBM Systems

Thess functions are not supported on z/OS and IBM i systems. For more information, see SSL Implementation on IBM EBCDIC Systems.


Parameter Description
SSLParams Set the value in this SSL parameter object.
data Data must include the client’s certificate and private key. It may optionally include issuer certificates.
size Supply the size (in bytes) of the data.
filename Read identity data from this file.
encoding Interpret the certificate data using this encoding; for values, see Certificate Encodings.