Starting the Subscriber Clients
You start the subscribers first because they enable you to observe the messages being received when you start the publisher.
To start
user1 as a subscriber:
In the first command line window, navigate to
Enter setup to set the environment and classpath:
Execute the
tibjmsMsgConsumer client to assign
user1 as a subscriber to the
myTopic topic:
> java tibjmsMsgConsumer -topic myTopic -user user1
The screen will display a message showing that
user1 is subscribed to
To start
user2 as a subscriber:
In the second command line window, navigate to the
EMS_HOME/samples/java folder.
Enter setup to set the environment and classpath:
Execute the
tibjmsMsgConsumer application to assign
user2 as a subscriber to the
myTopic topic:
> java tibjmsMsgConsumer -topic myTopic -user user2
The screen will display a message showing that
user2 is subscribed to
Note: The command windows do not return to the prompt when the subscribers are running.
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