Load the LoginModule in the EMS Server

The EMS server locates and loads the LoginModule based on the contents of the configuration file specified by the jaas_config_file parameter in the tibemsd.conf file. Usually, the JAAS configuration file is named jaas.conf. This file contains the configuration information used to invoke the LoginModule.

The contents of the jaas.conf file should follow the JAAS configuration syntax, as documented at: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/javax/security/auth/login/Configuration.html

Note: The LoginModule in the JAAS configuration file must have the name EMSUserAuthentication.

Example jaas.conf Configuration File

EMSUserAuthentication {
com.tibco.tibems.tibemsd.security.example.FlatFileUserAuthLoginModule required debug=true filename=jaas_users.txt;