show transactions

show transactions

Shows the XID for all client transactions that were created using the XA or MS DTC interfaces. Each row presents information about one transaction. The XID is the concatenation of the Format ID, GTrid Len, Bqual Len, and Data fields for a transaction. For example, if show transactions returns the row:

State  Format ID  GTrid Len  Bqual Len  Data
  E      0          6          2        branchid

then the XID is 0          6          2        branchid.

Note that the spaces are required.

show transactions (description of output fields)
Heading Description
State Transaction state:
  • A active
  • E ended
  • R rollback only
  • P prepared
  • S suspended

Suspended transactions can be rolled back, but cannot be rolled forward (committed).

Format ID The XA transaction format identifier.

0 = OSI CCR naming is used

>0 = some other format is used

-1 = NULL

GTrid Len The number of bytes that constitute the global transaction ID.
Bqual Len The number of bytes that constitute the branch qualifier.
Data The global transaction identifier (gtrid) and the branch qualifier (bqual).