


Get data values from a map message.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetBoolean(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_bool* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetByte(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_byte* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetBytes(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    void** bytes,
    tibems_uint* bytesSize );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetChar(
    tibemsMapMsg message,
    const char* name,
    tibems_wchar* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetDouble(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_double* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetField(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibemsMsgField* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetFloat(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_float* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetInt(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_int* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetLong(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_long* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetMapMsg(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibemsMapMsg* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetShort(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    tibems_short* value );

tibems_status tibemsMapMsg_GetString(
    tibemsMapMsg message, 
    const char* name,
    const char** value );


CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetBoolean"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetBytes"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE bytes,
           BY REFERENCE bytesSize,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetByte"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetChar"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetDouble"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetField"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetFloat"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetInt"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetLong"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetMapMsg"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetShort"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status

CALL "tibemsMapMsg_GetString"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE name,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           RETURNING tibems-status
Note: message and bytes have usage pointer.

value has usage pointer only in tibemsMapMsg_GetMapMsg and tibemsMapMsg_GetString (but not in the other calls documented in this group).


Parameter Description
message Get a value from this map message.
name Get the value associated with this name.
value For unitary values, the function copies the value into this location.

For strings, nested messages and fields, the function stores (in this location) a pointer to the value within the message.

bytes tibemsMapMsg_GetBytes stores a pointer to the byte sequence in this location.
bytesSize tibemsMapMsg_GetBytes stores the length of the byte sequence in this location.


The JMS specification defines these calls to extract data from the name-value pairs of a map message.

To get array values from a map message, call tibemsMapMsg_GetField, then extract the array value from the field; see tibemsMsgField.

When the message does not have a field set for the name, these calls return TIBEMS_NOT_FOUND.