System Monitor Topics

The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server can publish messages to various topics when certain events occur. There are several types of event classes, each class groups a set of related events. For example, some event classes are connection, admin, and route. Each event class is further subdivided into the events for each class. For example, the connection class has two events: connect and disconnect. These event classes are used to group the system events into meaningful categories.

All system event topic names begin with $sys.monitor. The remainder of the name is the event class followed by the event. For example, the server publishes a message to the topic $sys.monitor.connection.disconnect whenever a client disconnects from the server. The naming scheme for system event topics allows you to create wildcard subscriptions for all events of a certain class. For example, to receive messages whenever clients connect or disconnect, you would create a topic subscriber for the topic $sys.monitor.connection.*.

Monitor topics are created and maintained by the server. Monitor topics are not listed in the topics.conf file. Users can subscribe to monitor topics but cannot create them.