Configure TLS

A client connecting to an EMS server can configure TLS characteristics in the following ways:

  • Create a connection factory that specifies the appropriate TLS parameters and use JNDI to lookup the connection factory. The server URL in the connection factory must specify the TLS protocol, and the factory must specify appropriate TLS parameters.

    A preconfigured connection factory is the preferred mechanism in many situations. See Create Connection Factories for Secure Connections and Perform Secure Lookups for details on how to create a connection factory with TLS parameters in EMS.

  • Dynamically create a connection factory, as described in Dynamically Creating Connection Factories and set the global TLS parameters locally using the TibjmsSSL class (Java), tibemsSSLParams type (C), or EMSSSL class (C#).

Specifying any TLS parameters within a connection factory causes all global TLS parameters set with the TibjmsSSL class, tibemsSSLParams type or EMSSSL class to be ignored.