Creating Users with the EMS Administration Tool

In this example, you will create topics and users using the EMS Administration Tool. You must first start the EMS server before starting the EMS administration tool.

Follow these steps to start the EMS server and to use the administration tool to create two new users.

Note: All of the parameters you set using the administration tool in this chapter can also be set by editing the configuration files described in Configuration Files. You can also programmatically set parameters using the C, .NET, or Java APIs. Parameters set programmatically by a client are only set for the length of the session.


  1. Start the EMS server
    Start the EMS server as described in Starting and Stopping the EMS Server.
  2. Start the Administration Tool and Connect to the EMS Server
    1. Start the EMS administration tool as described in Starting the EMS Administration Tool.
    2. After starting the administration tool, connect it to the EMS server.

      To connect the EMS administration tool to the EMS server, execute one of the following commands:

    • If you are using TIBCO Enterprise Message Service on a single computer, type connect in the command line of the Administration tool:

      > connect

      You will be prompted for a login name. If this is the first time you’ve used the EMS administration tool, follow the procedure described in When You First Start tibemsadmin.

      Once you have logged in, the screen will display:

      connected to tcp://localhost:7222

    • If you are using TIBCO Enterprise Message Service in a network, use the connect server command as follows:

      > connect [server URL] [user-name] [password]

      For more information on this command, see connect.

      For further information on the administration tool, see Starting the EMS Administration Tool and Command Listing.

  3. Create Users

    Once you have connected the administration tool to the server, use the create user command to create two users.

    In the administration tool, enter:

       tcp://localhost:7222> create user user1

       tcp://localhost:7222> create user user2

    The tool will display messages confirming that user1 and user2 have been created.

    You have now created two users. You can confirm this with the show users command:

       tcp://localhost:7222> show users

        User Name         Description



    For more information on the create user command, refer to create user.