show bridges

show bridges [type=topic|queue] [pattern]

Shows a summary of the destination bridges that are currently configured. The type option specifies the type of destination established as the bridge source. For example, show bridges topic shows a summary of configured bridges for all topics that are established as a bridge source. The pattern specifies a pattern to match for source destination names. For example show bridges foo.* returns a summary of configured bridges for all source destinations that match the name foo.*. The type and pattern are optional.

The following is example output for this command:

  Source Name        Queue Targets  Topic Targets
Q queue.source                   1              1
T topic.source                   1              2

Destinations that match the specified pattern and/or type are listed in the Source Name column. The number of bridges to queues for each destination is listed in the Queue Targets column. The number of bridges to topics for each destination is listed in the Topic Targets column.