Description of Monitor Topics

Topic Message Is Published When...
$sys.monitor.admin.change The administrator has made a change to the configuration.
$sys.monitor.connection.connect A user attempts to connect to the server.
$sys.monitor.connection.disconnect A user connection is disconnected.
$sys.monitor.connection.error An error occurs on a user connection.
$sys.monitor.consumer.create A consumer is created.
$sys.monitor.consumer.destroy A consumer is destroyed.
$sys.monitor.flow.engaged Stored messages rise above a destination’s limit, engaging the flow control feature.
$sys.monitor.flow.disengaged Stored messages fall below a destination’s limit, disengaging the flow control feature.
$sys.monitor.limits.connection Maximum number of hosts or connections is reached.
$sys.monitor.limits.queue Maximum bytes for queue storage is reached.
$sys.monitor.limits.server Server memory limit is reached.
$sys.monitor.limits.topic Maximum bytes for durable subscriptions is reached.
$sys.monitor.producer.create A producer is created.
$sys.monitor.producer.destroy A producer is destroyed.
$sys.monitor.queue.create A dynamic queue is created.
$sys.monitor.route.connect A route connection is attempted.
$sys.monitor.route.disconnect A route connection is disconnected.
$sys.monitor.route.warning An issue worth warning about occurs on a route connection.
$sys.monitor.route.error An error occurs on a route connection.
$sys.monitor.route.interest A change in registered interest occurs on the route.
$ The server sends information about an event; for example, a log file is rotated.
$sys.monitor.server.warning The active server detects a disconnection from the standby server.
$sys.monitor.topic.create A dynamic topic is created.
$sys.monitor.tx.action A local transaction commits or rolls back.
$sys.monitor.xa.action An XA transaction commits or rolls back.
$sys.monitor.D.E.destination A message is handled by a destination. The name of this monitor topic includes two qualifiers (D and E) and the name of the destination you wish to monitor.

D signifies the type of destination and whether to include the entire message:

  • T — topic, include full message (as a byte array) into each event
  • t — topic, do not include full message into each event
  • Q — queue, include full message (as a byte array) into each event
  • q — queue, do not include full message into each event

E signifies the type of event:

  • r for receive
  • s for send
  • a for acknowledge
  • p for premature exit of message
  • * for all event types

For example, $sys.monitor.T.r.corp.News is the topic for monitoring any received messages to the topic named corp.News. The message body of any received messages is included in monitor messages on this topic. The topic $sys.monitor.q.*.corp.* monitors all message events (send, receive, acknowledge) for all queues matching the name corp.*. The message body is not included in this topic’s messages.

The messages sent to this type of monitor topic include a description of the event, information about where the message came from (a producer, route, external system, and so on), and optionally the message body, depending upon the value of D.

See Monitor Messages for more information about message monitoring.