
This file defines all permissions on topics and queues for all users and groups.

The format of the file is:

TOPIC=topic USER=user PERM=permissions
TOPIC=topic GROUP=group PERM=permissions
QUEUE=queue USER=user PERM=permissions
QUEUE=queue GROUP=group PERM=permissions
ADMIN USER=user PERM=permissions
ADMIN GROUP=group PERM=permissions
Parameter Name Description
TOPIC Name of the topic to which you wish to add permissions.
QUEUE Name of the queue to which you wish to add permissions.
ADMIN Specifies that you wish to add administrator permissions.
USER Name of the user to whom you wish to add permissions.
GROUP Name of the group to which you wish to add permissions. The designation all specifies a predefined group that contains all users.
PERM Permissions to add.

The permissions which can be assigned to queues are send, receive and browse. The permissions which can be assigned to topics are publish, subscribe and durable and use_durable. The designation all specifies all possible permissions. For information about these permissions, refer to When Permissions Are Checked and Inheritance of Permissions.

Administration permissions are granted to users to perform administration activities. See Administrator Permissions for more information about administration permissions.


ADMIN USER=sys-admins PERM=all
TOPIC=foo USER=user2 PERM=publish,subscribe
TOPIC=foo GROUP=group1 PERM=subscribe