


Read a byte array from a stream message.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsStreamMsg_ReadBytes(
    tibemsStreamMsg message,
    void** value,
    tibems_uint* length );


CALL "tibemsStreamMsg_ReadBytes"
     USING BY VALUE message,
           BY REFERENCE value,
           BY REFERENCE size,
           RETURNING tibems-status
Note: message and value have usage pointer.


Parameter Description
message Read a byte array from this message.
value Store a pointer to the byte sequence (within the message).
length Store the actual number of bytes read.


Each call reads bytes from the stream into the byte array, and advances the read position so that the next read call gets the next datum. (Other read functions are documented on separate pages.)

This call uses the length parameter to return the actual number of bytes read. When the call cannot read even one byte, the length is -1.

A program that calls this function must call it repeatedly until it returns -1, indicating that the program has extracted the complete set of bytes. Only then may the program call another read function.