Implications for Statistics

The background monitoring and cleanup that occurs in the grid store also affects some key server statistics. Before the first scan has been completed for all grid stores, some message statistics reported by the server may be inaccurate.

For example, when the EMS server first starts, the "Pending Messages" and "Pending Message Size" counts reported by the info command in the administration tool can be understated, because the command only reports on messages it has scanned before the command is issued. Similarly, the "Message Count" and "Message Size" reported by the show store command may report a smaller number than actually exist in the store.

Once the first scan is complete, these counts can be considered accurate. To check the scan status on a grid store, use the show store command. The statistics returned include a "First scan finished" field, which reports the scan status since the last EMS server start time. When the value of this field is true, the server statistics can be considered accurate.

If it is important to acquire the correct values for these statistics sooner, you will need to decrease the scan_target_interval.