Configuring FTL Stores

When using FTL stores, the EMS server requires the configuration to be JSON-based. See Managing the JSON Configuration for details on how to create a JSON configuration file.

The following table describes the store parameters required for FTL stores.

Parameter Name Description

[store_name] is the name that identifies this store configuration.

Note that the square brackets [ ] DO NOT indicate that the store_name is an option; they must be included around the name.

type=ftl Identifies the store type. This parameter is required for all store types. The type corresponding to FTL stores is ftl.
Other available store types are as follows:
  • file—for file-based stores.

  • as—for grid stores.

Note: When using FTL stores, the disk access mode cannot be specified via the EMS server configuration. Instead, it must be directly configured in FTL. Refer to the Persistence Architecture section of the TIBCO FTL Administration product guide for more information.

EMS does not support configuration of multiple store types in the same server. If using FTL stores, all stores in the configuration must be of type ftl.