Configuring Grid Stores

When using grid stores, the EMS server requires the configuration to be JSON-based. See Managing the JSON Configuration for details on how to create a JSON configuration file.

The following table describes the store parameters for grid stores.

Parameter Name Description
Required Parameters

[store_name] is the name that identifies this store configuration.

Note that the square brackets [ ] DO NOT indicate that the store_name is an option; they must be included around the name.

type=as Identifies the store type. This parameter is required for all store types. The type corresponding to grid stores is as (abbreviation of ActiveSpaces).
Other available store types are as follows:
  • file—for file-based stores.

  • ftl—for FTL stores.

Optional Parameters

Determines the length of time between each interval of the store scan. The EMS server begins scanning a new section of the grid store at the time interval specified here.

Specify time in units of msec, sec, min, hour or day to describe the time value as being in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days, respectively.

For example:


By default, the server examines grid stores every 10 seconds.

For more information, see Understanding Grid Store Intervals.


Controls the approximate length of time taken to complete a full scan of the grid store.

Specify time in units of msec, sec, min, hour or day to describe the time value as being in milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, or days, respectively.

For example: scan_target_interval=12hour

By default, the scan interval is 24 hours.

For more information, see Understanding Grid Store Intervals.

Note: Grid stores do not support an asynchronous write mode option as asynchronous writes are not supported by ActiveSpaces.

EMS does not support configuration of multiple store types in the same server. If using grid stores, all stores in the configuration must be of type as.