Adding the secure Property to the Topic

When the secure property is added to a topic, only users who have been assigned a certain permission can perform the actions allowed by that permission. For example, only users with publish permission on the topic can publish, while other users cannot publish.

If the secure property is not added to a topic, all authenticated users have all permissions (publish, subscribe, create durable subscribers) on that topic.

For more information on the secure property, see the section about secure. For more information on topic permissions, see Authentication and Permissions,.

To enable server authorization and add the secure property to a topic, do the following steps:


  1. In each subscriber window, enter Control-C to stop each subscriber.
  2. In the administration tool, use the set server command to enable the authorization property:
    tcp://localhost:7222> set server authorization=enabled

    The authorization property enables checking of permissions set on destinations.

  3. Enter the following command to add the secure property to a topic named myTopic:
    tcp://localhost:7222> addprop topic myTopic secure

    For more information on the set server command, refer to set server. For more information on the addprop topic command, refer to addprop topic.