


Return consumers matching specified filters.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsAdmin_GetConsumers(
    tibemsAdmin admin,
    tibemsCollection* collection,
    tibems_long connectionID,
    const char* username,
    tibemsDestinationInfo destination,
    tibems_bool durable,
    tibems_int dataFlags)


CALL "tibemsAdmin_GetConsumers"
       BY REFERENCE collection,
       BY VALUE connectionID,
       BY REFERENCE username,
       BY VALUE destination,
       BY VALUE durable,
       BY VALUE dataFlags,
       RETURNING tibems-status
Note: collection has usage pointer.


Parameter Description
admin Get consumers using this administrative connection.
collection Store the returned consumer data in the location specified here, as a collection of tibemsConsumerInfo objects.
connectionID connectionID is reserved for future use and must be set to zero.
username If specified, only consumers for connections that use the specified user name will be returned. Specify NULL if all consumers should be returned.
destination If specified, only consumers on destinations of the same type and matching this destination name will be returned. destination can be:

The destination name may include wildcards.

durable (If TRUE) Specify that only durable topic subscribers should be returned.

Applies only to topic subscribers, and when included prevents the function from returning non-durable topic consumers. However, it does not affect which queue consumers are returned.

dataFlags Specify what information will be returned for each consumer that matches the filter criteria. Possible values for this parameter are:

When no flag is specified, the returned information does not include statistics.

If statistics are disabled in the server, no statistics will be returned regardless of the flag specified in this parameter.


Return a list of consumers matching the specified filters. The consumers are returned in a tibemsCollection; if no consumers matching the filter criteria exist in the server, then no tibemsCollection will be returned.

The returned consumers are not sorted and are placed in the tibemsCollection object in any order. Your application may need to sort the consumers into a specific order if required.

Example 1

For example, this call returns all consumers known to the server, but does not include statistical information for each consumer:

tibemsAdmin      admin;
tibemsCollection consumerInfoCollection;
tibems_status    status;

status = tibemsAdmin_GetConsumers(admin, &consumerInfoCollection, 0L, NULL, TIBEMS_ADMIN_INVALID_ID, TIBEMS_FALSE, 0);
Example 2

This call returns all queue consumers and all durable topic consumers:

tibemsAdmin      admin;
tibemsCollection consumerInfoCollection;
tibems_status    status;

status = tibemsAdmin_GetConsumers(admin, &consumerInfoCollection, 0L, NULL, TIBEMS_ADMIN_INVALID_ID, TIBEMS_TRUE, 0);
Example 3

This call returns all durable topic consumers that subscribe to any topic matching topic news.*. If statistics are enabled in the server, the returned tibemsConsumerInfo objects will include detailed statistics about the consumers.

tibemsAdmin      admin;
tibemsCollection consumerInfoCollection;
tibems_status    status;
tibemsTopicInfo  topicInfo;

status = tibemsTopicInfoCreate(&topicInfo, "news.*");
status = tibemsAdmin_GetConsumers(admin, &consumerInfoCollection, 0L, NULL, topicInfo, TIBEMS_TRUE, TIBEMS_GET_DETAILED_STAT);
Example 4

This call returns all queue consumers created by user OrderProcessor and receiving messages from all queues matching name purchase.order.>. Each tibemsConsumerInfo object will include the full statistics available for the consumer.

tibemsAdmin      admin;
tibemsCollection consumerInfoCollection;
tibems_status    status;
tibemsQueueInfo  queueInfo;

status = tibemsQueueInfoCreate(&queueInfo, "purchase.order.>");
status = tibemsAdmin_GetConsumers(admin, &consumerInfoCollection, 0L, "OrderProcessor", queueInfo, TIBEMS_FALSE, TIBEMS_GET_DETAILED_STAT);

Status Codes

Status Code Description
TIBEMS_TIMEOUT The administrative query timed out while waiting for a server response.
TIBEMS_NOT_FOUND No consumers found matching the specified filters.