Display the Statistics

When statistic collecting is enabled, you can view statistics for producers, consumers, routes, and destinations using the show stat command in the administration tool.

The show stat command allows you to filter the statistics based on destination name, user name, connection ID, or any combination of criteria. You can optionally specify the total keyword to retrieve only the total statistics (this suppresses the detailed output). You can also optionally specify the "wide" keyword when displaying statistics for destinations or routes. This specifies that inbound and outbound message statistics should be displayed on the same line (the line can be 100 characters or more).

The following illustrates displaying statistics for a route where detailed statistic tracking is enabled.

   tcp://server1:7322> show stat route B
   Inbound statistics for route 'B':
                            Total Count      Rate/Second
   Destination              Msgs   Size      Msgs   Size
   <total>                   189   37.9 Kb     10    2.0 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.0           38    7.6 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.1           38    7.6 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.2           38    7.6 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.3           38    7.6 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.4           37    7.4 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Outbound statistics for route 'B':
                            Total Count      Rate/Second
   Destination              Msgs   Size      Msgs   Size
   <total>                  9538    1.9 MB     10    2.1 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.0         1909  394.9 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.1         1908  394.7 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.2         1907  394.5 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.3         1907  394.5 Kb      2    0.4 Kb
   Topic: dynamic.4         1907  394.5 Kb      2    0.5 Kb

See show stat for more information and detailed syntax of the show stat command.