


Add one or more issuer certificates to the TLS parameter object.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_AddIssuerCert(
    tibemsSSLParams SSLParams,
    const void* data,
    tibems_int size,
    tibems_int encoding );

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_AddIssuerCertFile(
    tibemsSSLParams SSLParams,
    const char* filename,
    tibems_int encoding );

IBM Systems

These functions are not supported on z/OS and IBM i systems. For more information, see TLS Implementation on IBM EBCDIC Systems.


Parameter Description
SSLParams Add the certificates to this TLS parameter object.
data Use the certificate data at this location.
size Length of the certificate data (in bytes).
encoding Interpret the certificate data using this encoding; for values, see Certificate Encodings.
filename Read the certificate data from this file.


Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client’s certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client’s certificate supplies these. TLS clients must supply them during the TLS handshake, so your program must set them.

If the parameter object already has issuer certificates, this call adds to that set; it does not overwrite them.