show subscriptions

show subscriptions [topic=name] [name=sub-name] [shared=only|none] [durable=only|none] [sort=msgs|topic|name|cons|id]

This command prints information about all topic subscriptions, or only subscriptions matching specified filters. Command output is controlled using the sort parameter.

If topic=name is specified, then only subscriptions on destinations matching specified topic are shown. If name=sub-name is specified, then only subscriptions of that name are shown.

If durable=only is specified, then only durable subscriptions are shown.

If durable=none is specified, then only non-durable subscriptions are shown.

If shared=only is specified, then only shared subscriptions are shown.

If shared=none is specified, then only unshared subscriptions are shown.

The parameter sort allows you to specify how the command output is sorted in the output table. You can use to sort by number of pending messages, topic name, subscription name, number of consumers on that subscription, or the subscription's identifier.

show subscriptions (description of output fields)
Heading Description
Id The ID of the subscription.
T The subscription type:
  • T — non-durable subscription
  • D — durable subscription
Topic Name of the topic associated with the subscription.
Name Name of the subscription (durable or shared name).

If this is an unshared non-durable subscription, this value is empty.

SS Description of columns:
  • S - '+' if the subscription has a selector, '-' otherwise.
  • S - '+' if the subscription is shared, '-' otherwise.
Cons Count The number of active consumers on this subscription.

For an unshared non-durable subscription, the value is always 1.

For a durable subscription, the value can be 0, meaning that there is no active consumer and the subscription is offline.

Pend Msgs Total number of messages pending for the subscription.
Pend Size Combined size of messages pending for the subscription.

Value is rounded and shown in bytes, (K)ilobytes, (M)egabytes or (G)igabytes.

Uptime The length of time, in hours, minutes, and seconds, since the subscription was created.