


Set the SAF key ring to be used by this application.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_System_SetKeyRingFile(
tibemsSSLParams params,
    const char* keyring_file)


CALL "tibemsSSLParams_System_SetKeyRingFile"
     USING BY VALUE params,
           BY REFERENCE keyring_file,
           RETURNING tibems-status
Note: params and keyring_file have usage pointer.


Parameter Description
params The SSL parameter object.
keyring_file On z/OS, the name of the SAF key ring on which the certificates for this application reside.

On IBM i, the name of the certificate store defined within the Digital Certificate Manager. For example, *SYSTEM.


This is a global parameter which means that the first connection made by the application will establish the key ring or certificate store to be used by all other connections within this address space. Any attempt to specify a different key ring for subsequent connections will be ignored.

On z/OS, this parameter is required to make a connection. On IBM i this parameter is required to make a connection if no application ID parameter has been set. If an application ID is set, the key ring file parameter is ignored.

Returns TIBEMS_OK if it succeeds, otherwise TIBEMS_SSL_ERROR.