


Set flags that enable client verification of the host certificate or host name.

C Declaration

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_SetVerifyHost(
    tibemsSSLParams SSLParams,
    tibems_bool verify );

tibems_status tibemsSSLParams_SetVerifyHostName(
    tibemsSSLParams SSLParams,
    tibems_bool verify );

IBM Systems

These functions are not supported on z/OS and IBM i systems. For more information, see SSL Implementation on IBM EBCDIC Systems.


Parameter Description
SSLParams Set the value in this SSL parameter object.
verify TIBEMS_TRUE enables verification.

TIBEMS_FALSE disables verification.


Both of verification actions are enabled by default (unless a program explicitly disables them).

tibemsSSLParams_SetVerifyHost enables checking that the server host’s certificate was signed by a trusted CA; see tibemsSSLParams_AddTrustedCert).

tibemsSSLParams_SetVerifyHostName enables checking the server’s actual host name against an expected server host name; see tibemsSSLParams_SetExpectedHostName.