Interface Authorizer

  • public interface Authorizer
    Authorization providers must provide a class that implements this interface, and has a default constructor. One instance of that class will be created at server startup, and the isAllowed method will be called for each authorization decision that does not already have a cached answer.

    The isAllowed() method may be called from multiple threads simultaneously.

    The EMS server will cache the results returned by this call. The caching behavior is controlled by the methods of AuthorizationResult.

    An implementation may return null from isAllowed(). This is interpreted as "no opinion," which means that the authorization decision may be passed on to another authorization subsystem for evaluation.

    • Method Detail

      • isAllowed

        AuthorizationResult isAllowed​(java.lang.String userName,
                                      Action action)
        userName - The username as passed to the server by the EMS client.
        action - A descriptor for the action to be performed.
        A description of the authorization decision. A return value of null is interpreted as "no opinion."