Class TibjmsConnectionFactory

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxCFImpl
      • com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsConnectionFactory
    • Field Summary

      • Fields inherited from class com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxCFImpl

        _clientID, _properties, _url, _wasCreatedByUfo
      • Fields inherited from interface com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsXMLConst

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Create an empty connection factory.
      TibjmsConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String serverUrl)
      Create a connection factory with the given server URL.
      TibjmsConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String clientId)
      Create a connection factory with the given server URL and client id.
      TibjmsConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String serverUrl, java.lang.String clientId, java.util.Map properties)
      Create a connection factory with the given server URL, client id, and properties.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.Object clone()  
      Connection createConnection()
      Creates a connection with the default user identity.
      Connection createConnection​(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
      Creates a connection with the specified user identity.
      JMSContext createContext()
      Creates a JMSContext with the default user identity and an unspecified sessionMode.
      JMSContext createContext​(int sessionMode)
      Creates a JMSContext with the default user identity and the specified session mode.
      JMSContext createContext​(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
      Creates a JMSContext with the specified user identity and an unspecified sessionMode.
      JMSContext createContext​(java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, int sessionMode)
      Creates a JMSContext with the specified user identity and the specified session mode.
      java.lang.String getSSLProxyHost()
      Get the TLS proxy host from this connection factory.
      java.lang.String getSSLProxyPassword()
      Get the TLS proxy password from a connection factory.
      int getSSLProxyPort()
      Get the TLS proxy port from this connection factory.
      java.lang.String getSSLProxyUser()
      Get the TLS proxy username from a connection factory.
      void readExternal​( in)  
      void setClientID​(java.lang.String clientID)  
      void setConnAttemptCount​(int attempts)  
      void setConnAttemptDelay​(int delay)  
      void setConnAttemptTimeout​(int timeout)
      Set the Connect Attempt timeout for a given connection.
      void setMetric​(int metric)
      This sets the metric that will be used to select an ems server during load balancing switchover.
      void setMulticastDaemon​(java.lang.String port)
      As of release 8.3
      void setMulticastEnabled​(boolean enabled)
      As of release 8.3
      void setReconnAttemptCount​(int attempts)  
      void setReconnAttemptDelay​(int delay)  
      void setReconnAttemptTimeout​(int timeout)
      Set the Reconnect Attempt timeout for a given connection Note: This timeout is per url and per reconnect_attempt.
      void setServerUrl​(java.lang.String serverUrl)
      Connections created by this connection factory will connect to the server at the given URL
      void setSSLAuthOnly​(java.lang.Boolean authOnly)
      Set client connections to use TLS only during initial connection authentication.
      void setSSLCipherSuites​(java.lang.String suites)
      Set cipher suites to be used by SSL connections.
      void setSSLDebugTrace​(java.lang.Boolean debugTrace)
      Enables debug tracing.
      void setSSLEnableVerifyHost​(java.lang.Boolean enableVerifyHost)
      Set if the host certificate should be verified by the client.
      void setSSLEnableVerifyHostName​(java.lang.Boolean enableVerifyHostName)
      Set if the name in the host certificate should be verified or not.
      void setSSLExpectedHostName​(java.lang.String expectedHostName)
      Set the name which is expected to be set in the host certificate.
      void setSSLIdentity​(byte[] identity)
      The client's digital certificate.
      void setSSLIdentity​(java.lang.String sslIdentity)
      The client's digital certificate.
      void setSSLIdentityEncoding​(java.lang.String sslIdentityEncoding)
      The encoding of the client identity specified in the setSSLIdentity() method.
      void setSSLIssuerCertificate​(byte[] certificate, java.lang.String encoding)
      Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client's certificate supplies these.
      void setSSLIssuerCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate)
      Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client's certificate supplies these.
      void setSSLIssuerCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate, java.lang.String encoding)
      Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client's certificate supplies these.
      void setSSLPassword​(java.lang.String sslPassword)
      Set the private key password for TLS.
      void setSSLPrivateKey​(byte[] sslPrivateKey)
      Set the private key corresponding to the identity certificate.
      void setSSLPrivateKey​(java.lang.String sslPrivateKey)
      Set the private key corresponding to the identity certificate.
      void setSSLPrivateKeyEncoding​(java.lang.String sslPrivateKeyEncoding)
      Set the private key corresponding to the identity certificate.
      void setSSLProxy​(java.lang.String host, int port)
      Set the connection factory's parameters for connecting through a TLS proxy.
      void setSSLProxyAuth​(java.lang.String username, java.lang.String password)
      Set a connection factory's username and password for connecting through a TLS proxy.
      void setSSLTrace​(java.lang.Boolean trace)  
      void setSSLTrustedCertificate​(byte[] certificate, java.lang.String trustedEncoding)
      Trusted certificates are certificates that authenticate the server's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the server's certificate supplies these.
      void setSSLTrustedCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate)
      Trusted certificates are certificates that authenticate the server's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the server's certificate supplies these.
      void setSSLTrustedCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate, java.lang.String trustedEncoding)
      Trusted certificates are certificates that authenticate the server's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the server's certificate supplies these.
      void setSSLVendor​(java.lang.String vendor)
      Set the TLS vendor to the specified vendor.
      void setUserName​(java.lang.String username)  
      void setUserPassword​(java.lang.String password)  
      void writeExternal​( out)  
      • Methods inherited from class com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxCFImpl

        _getCurrentUrl, buildXML, getClientID, getCurrentUrl, getMetric, getProperties, getReference, getUrl, toString
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from interface javax.naming.Referenceable

    • Constructor Detail

      • TibjmsConnectionFactory

        public TibjmsConnectionFactory()
        Create an empty connection factory. This call does not attempt to access the repository. Equivalent to TibjmsConnectionFactory(null, null, null).
        See Also:
      • TibjmsConnectionFactory

        public TibjmsConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String serverUrl)
        Create a connection factory with the given server URL. Equivalent to TibjmsConnectionFactory(serverUrl, null, null).
        serverUrl - Connections created by this connection factory will connect to the server at this URL.
      • TibjmsConnectionFactory

        public TibjmsConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String serverUrl,
                                       java.lang.String clientId)
        Create a connection factory with the given server URL and client id. Equivalent to TibjmsConnectionFactory(serverUrl, clientId, null).
        serverUrl - Connections created by this connection factory will connect to the server at this URL.
        clientId -
      • TibjmsConnectionFactory

        public TibjmsConnectionFactory​(java.lang.String serverUrl,
                                       java.lang.String clientId,
                                       java.util.Map properties)
        Create a connection factory with the given server URL, client id, and properties.
        serverUrl - Connections created by this connection factory will connect to the server at this URL.
        clientId -
        properties -
    • Method Detail

      • createConnection

        public Connection createConnection()
                                    throws JMSException
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Creates a connection with the default user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages will be delivered until the Connection.start method is explicitly called.
        Specified by:
        createConnection in interface ConnectionFactory
        a newly created connection
        JMSException - if the Jakarta Messaging provider fails to create the connection due to some internal error.
        JMSSecurityException - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.
      • createConnection

        public Connection createConnection​(java.lang.String userName,
                                           java.lang.String password)
                                    throws JMSException
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Creates a connection with the specified user identity. The connection is created in stopped mode. No messages will be delivered until the Connection.start method is explicitly called.
        Specified by:
        createConnection in interface ConnectionFactory
        userName - the caller's user name
        password - the caller's password
        a newly created connection
        JMSException - if the Jakarta Messaging provider fails to create the connection due to some internal error.
        JMSSecurityException - if client authentication fails due to an invalid user name or password.
      • createContext

        public JMSContext createContext()
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Creates a JMSContext with the default user identity and an unspecified sessionMode.

        A connection and session are created for use by the new JMSContext. The connection is created in stopped mode but will be automatically started when a JMSConsumer is created.

        The behaviour of the session that is created depends on whether this method is called in a Java SE environment, in the Jakarta EE application client container, or in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container. If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container then the behaviour of the session also depends on whether or not there is an active JTA transaction in progress.

        In a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container:

        • The session will be non-transacted and received messages will be acknowledged automatically using an acknowledgement mode of JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE For a definition of the meaning of this acknowledgement mode see the link below.

        In a Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is an active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The session will participate in the JTA transaction and will be committed or rolled back when that transaction is committed or rolled back, not by calling the JMSContext's commit or rollback methods.

        In the Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The session will be non-transacted and received messages will be acknowledged automatically using an acknowledgement mode of JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE For a definition of the meaning of this acknowledgement mode see the link below.
        Specified by:
        createContext in interface ConnectionFactory
        a newly created JMSContext
        See Also:
        JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, ConnectionFactory.createContext(int), ConnectionFactory.createContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), ConnectionFactory.createContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int), JMSContext.createContext(int)
      • createContext

        public JMSContext createContext​(int sessionMode)
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Creates a JMSContext with the default user identity and the specified session mode.

        A connection and session are created for use by the new JMSContext. The JMSContext is created in stopped mode but will be automatically started when a JMSConsumer is created.

        The effect of setting the sessionMode argument depends on whether this method is called in a Java SE environment, in the Jakarta EE application client container, or in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container. If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container then the effect of setting the sessionMode argument also depends on whether or not there is an active JTA transaction in progress.

        In a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container:

        • If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED then the session will use a local transaction which may subsequently be committed or rolled back by calling the JMSContext's commit or rollback methods.
        • If sessionMode is set to any of JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. then the session will be non-transacted and messages received by this session will be acknowledged according to the value of sessionMode. For a definition of the meaning of these acknowledgement modes see the links below.

        In a Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is an active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The argument sessionMode is ignored. The session will participate in the JTA transaction and will be committed or rolled back when that transaction is committed or rolled back, not by calling the JMSContext's commit or rollback methods. Since the argument is ignored, developers are recommended to use createContext() instead of this method.

        In the Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The argument acknowledgeMode must be set to either of JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. The session will be non-transacted and messages received by this session will be acknowledged automatically according to the value of acknowledgeMode. For a definition of the meaning of these acknowledgement modes see the links below. The values JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED and JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE may not be used.
        Specified by:
        createContext in interface ConnectionFactory
        sessionMode - indicates which of four possible session modes will be used.
        • If this method is called in a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container, the permitted values are JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
        • If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container when there is an active JTA transaction in progress then this argument is ignored.
        • If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container when there is no active JTA transaction in progress, the permitted values are JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. In this case the values JMSContext.TRANSACTED and JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE are not permitted.
        a newly created JMSContext
        See Also:
        JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE, ConnectionFactory.createContext(), ConnectionFactory.createContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), ConnectionFactory.createContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int), JMSContext.createContext(int)
      • createContext

        public JMSContext createContext​(java.lang.String userName,
                                        java.lang.String password)
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Creates a JMSContext with the specified user identity and an unspecified sessionMode.

        A connection and session are created for use by the new JMSContext. The connection is created in stopped mode but will be automatically started when a JMSConsumer.

        The behaviour of the session that is created depends on whether this method is called in a Java SE environment, in the Jakarta EE application client container, or in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container. If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container then the behaviour of the session also depends on whether or not there is an active JTA transaction in progress.

        In a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container:

        • The session will be non-transacted and received messages will be acknowledged automatically using an acknowledgement mode of JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE For a definition of the meaning of this acknowledgement mode see the link below.

        In a Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is an active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The session will participate in the JTA transaction and will be committed or rolled back when that transaction is committed or rolled back, not by calling the JMSContext's commit or rollback methods.

        In the Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The session will be non-transacted and received messages will be acknowledged automatically using an acknowledgement mode of JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE For a definition of the meaning of this acknowledgement mode see the link below.
        Specified by:
        createContext in interface ConnectionFactory
        userName - the caller's user name
        password - the caller's password
        a newly created JMSContext
        See Also:
        JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, ConnectionFactory.createContext(), ConnectionFactory.createContext(int), ConnectionFactory.createContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, int), JMSContext.createContext(int)
      • createContext

        public JMSContext createContext​(java.lang.String userName,
                                        java.lang.String password,
                                        int sessionMode)
        Description copied from interface: ConnectionFactory
        Creates a JMSContext with the specified user identity and the specified session mode.

        A connection and session are created for use by the new JMSContext. The JMSContext is created in stopped mode but will be automatically started when a JMSConsumer is created.

        The effect of setting the sessionMode argument depends on whether this method is called in a Java SE environment, in the Jakarta EE application client container, or in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container. If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container then the effect of setting the sessionMode argument also depends on whether or not there is an active JTA transaction in progress.

        In a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container:

        • If sessionMode is set to JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED then the session will use a local transaction which may subsequently be committed or rolled back by calling the JMSContext's commit or rollback methods.
        • If sessionMode is set to any of JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. then the session will be non-transacted and messages received by this session will be acknowledged according to the value of sessionMode. For a definition of the meaning of these acknowledgement modes see the links below.

        In a Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is an active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The argument sessionMode is ignored. The session will participate in the JTA transaction and will be committed or rolled back when that transaction is committed or rolled back, not by calling the JMSContext's commit or rollback methods. Since the argument is ignored, developers are recommended to use createContext(String userName, String password) instead of this method.

        In the Jakarta EE web or EJB container, when there is no active JTA transaction in progress:

        • The argument acknowledgeMode must be set to either of JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE or JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. The session will be non-transacted and messages received by this session will be acknowledged automatically according to the value of acknowledgeMode. For a definition of the meaning of these acknowledgement modes see the links below. The values JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED and JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE may not be used.
        Specified by:
        createContext in interface ConnectionFactory
        userName - the caller's user name
        password - the caller's password
        sessionMode - indicates which of four possible session modes will be used.
        • If this method is called in a Java SE environment or in the Jakarta EE application client container, the permitted values are JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE.
        • If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container when there is an active JTA transaction in progress then this argument is ignored.
        • If this method is called in the Jakarta EE web or EJB container when there is no active JTA transaction in progress, the permitted values are JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE and JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE. In this case the values JMSContext.TRANSACTED and JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE are not permitted.
        a newly created JMSContext
        See Also:
        JMSContext.SESSION_TRANSACTED, JMSContext.CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE, JMSContext.DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE, ConnectionFactory.createContext(), ConnectionFactory.createContext(int), ConnectionFactory.createContext(java.lang.String, java.lang.String), JMSContext.createContext(int)
      • writeExternal

        public void writeExternal​( out)
        Specified by:
        writeExternal in interface
        writeExternal in class com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxCFImpl
      • readExternal

        public void readExternal​( in)
        Specified by:
        readExternal in interface
        readExternal in class com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxCFImpl
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
                               throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
        clone in class com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsxCFImpl
      • setServerUrl

        public void setServerUrl​(java.lang.String serverUrl)
                          throws JMSException
        Connections created by this connection factory will connect to the server at the given URL
        serverUrl -
      • setClientID

        public void setClientID​(java.lang.String clientID)
                         throws JMSException
        clientID - The clientID that will be sent to the server when a Connection is created.
      • setMetric

        public void setMetric​(int metric)
                       throws JMSException
        This sets the metric that will be used to select an ems server during load balancing switchover. Allowed values are defined in the Tibjms class, with names like FACTORY_LOAD_BALANCE_METRIC_*
        metric - The metric to use during load balancing switchover.
        See Also:
      • setConnAttemptCount

        public void setConnAttemptCount​(int attempts)
        attempts - The number of times the connection object attempts to establish a connection to the server.
      • setConnAttemptDelay

        public void setConnAttemptDelay​(int delay)
        delay - The delay time between successive attempts to establish a connection to the server. Its value is the time (in milliseconds) between connection attempts.
      • setReconnAttemptCount

        public void setReconnAttemptCount​(int attempts)
        attempts - The number of times that a connection object attempts to reestablish a connection to the server.
      • setReconnAttemptDelay

        public void setReconnAttemptDelay​(int delay)
        delay - The delay time between successive attempts to reconnect to the server. Its value is the time (in milliseconds) between reconnection attempts.
      • setUserName

        public void setUserName​(java.lang.String username)
        username - The connection object presents this user identity to the server.
      • setUserPassword

        public void setUserPassword​(java.lang.String password)
        password - The connection object authenticates the user identity with this password.
      • setSSLVendor

        public void setSSLVendor​(java.lang.String vendor)
        Set the TLS vendor to the specified vendor. The vendor parameter should be one of 'j2se' or 'bcfips'. After the TLS environment has been initialized, the vendor cannot be changed and calls to this methods are ignored.
        vendor - Specifies the TLS implementation to be used for creating TLS connections.
        See Also:
      • setSSLTrace

        public void setSSLTrace​(java.lang.Boolean trace)
        trace - Set true to enable tracing of TLS related operations.
      • setSSLDebugTrace

        public void setSSLDebugTrace​(java.lang.Boolean debugTrace)
        Enables debug tracing. When 'j2se' TLS vendor is used debug tracing should be enabled via system property.
        debugTrace - Set to true to enable debug tracing.
      • setSSLEnableVerifyHost

        public void setSSLEnableVerifyHost​(java.lang.Boolean enableVerifyHost)
        Set if the host certificate should be verified by the client. By default it is always enabled.
        enableVerifyHost -
      • setSSLEnableVerifyHostName

        public void setSSLEnableVerifyHostName​(java.lang.Boolean enableVerifyHostName)
        Set if the name in the host certificate should be verified or not. By default this is always enabled.
        enableVerifyHostName -
      • setSSLExpectedHostName

        public void setSSLExpectedHostName​(java.lang.String expectedHostName)
        Set the name which is expected to be set in the host certificate. Name in the certificate is present in the CN field of the certificate subject. By default the expected certificate name is the name of the connected host.
        expectedHostName -
      • setSSLAuthOnly

        public void setSSLAuthOnly​(java.lang.Boolean authOnly)
        Set client connections to use TLS only during initial connection authentication. If parameter is true then connections use TLS only for authentication and switch to TCP protocol for all subsequent messaging. If parameter is false then TLS is used for the lifetime of the connection, which is the default mode. Connections use this setting at the time they are created. Changing this setting only affects connection created after the change. By default this parameter is disabled.
        authOnly - Set true to only use TLS for authentication, false to use TLS for the lifetime of the connections.
      • setSSLTrustedCertificate

        public void setSSLTrustedCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate)
        Trusted certificates are certificates that authenticate the server's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the server's certificate supplies these. TLS clients may verify them during the TLS handshake; if your program verifies host certificates, then you must register trusted certificates as well. If the ConnectionFactory already has trusted certificates, this call adds to that set; it does not overwrite them.
        certificate -
      • setSSLTrustedCertificate

        public void setSSLTrustedCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate,
                                             java.lang.String trustedEncoding)
        Trusted certificates are certificates that authenticate the server's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the server's certificate supplies these. TLS clients may verify them during the TLS handshake; if your program verifies host certificates, then you must register trusted certificates as well. If the ConnectionFactory already has trusted certificates, this call adds to that set; it does not overwrite them.
        certificate -
        trustedEncoding -
      • setSSLTrustedCertificate

        public void setSSLTrustedCertificate​(byte[] certificate,
                                             java.lang.String trustedEncoding)
        Trusted certificates are certificates that authenticate the server's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the server's certificate supplies these. TLS clients may verify them during the TLS handshake; if your program verifies host certificates, then you must register trusted certificates as well. If the ConnectionFactory already has trusted certificates, this call adds to that set; it does not overwrite them.
        certificate - The certificate, represented as raw bytes.
        trustedEncoding -
      • setSSLIssuerCertificate

        public void setSSLIssuerCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate)
        Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client's certificate supplies these. TLS clients must supply them during the TLS handshake, so your program must set them.
        certificate -
      • setSSLIssuerCertificate

        public void setSSLIssuerCertificate​(java.lang.String certificate,
                                            java.lang.String encoding)
        Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client's certificate supplies these. TLS clients must supply them during the TLS handshake, so your program must set them.
        certificate -
        encoding -
      • setSSLIssuerCertificate

        public void setSSLIssuerCertificate​(byte[] certificate,
                                            java.lang.String encoding)
        Issuer certificates are certificates that authenticate the client's certificate; the certificate authority (CA) that issued the client's certificate supplies these. TLS clients must supply them during the TLS handshake, so your program must set them.
        certificate - The certificate as binary data
        encoding - The encoding type for this certificate
      • setSSLIdentity

        public void setSSLIdentity​(java.lang.String sslIdentity)
        The client's digital certificate. For more information on file types for digital certificates, see "File Names for Certificates and Keys" in the EMS User Guide.
        sslIdentity -
      • setSSLIdentity

        public void setSSLIdentity​(byte[] identity)
        The client's digital certificate. For more information on file types for digital certificates, see "File Names for Certificates and Keys" in the EMS User Guide.
        identity -
      • setSSLIdentityEncoding

        public void setSSLIdentityEncoding​(java.lang.String sslIdentityEncoding)
        The encoding of the client identity specified in the setSSLIdentity() method.
        sslIdentityEncoding -
      • setSSLPrivateKey

        public void setSSLPrivateKey​(java.lang.String sslPrivateKey)
        Set the private key corresponding to the identity certificate.
        sslPrivateKey -
      • setSSLPrivateKey

        public void setSSLPrivateKey​(byte[] sslPrivateKey)
        Set the private key corresponding to the identity certificate.
        sslPrivateKey -
      • setSSLPrivateKeyEncoding

        public void setSSLPrivateKeyEncoding​(java.lang.String sslPrivateKeyEncoding)
        Set the private key corresponding to the identity certificate.
        sslPrivateKeyEncoding -
      • setSSLPassword

        public void setSSLPassword​(java.lang.String sslPassword)
        Set the private key password for TLS.
        sslPassword -
      • setSSLCipherSuites

        public void setSSLCipherSuites​(java.lang.String suites)
        Set cipher suites to be used by SSL connections.
        suites -
      • setSSLProxy

        public void setSSLProxy​(java.lang.String host,
                                int port)
                         throws JMSException
        Set the connection factory's parameters for connecting through a TLS proxy. A TLS proxy lets an EMS application create a TLS connection to an EMS server, even though a firewall separates the application from the server. The proxy usually runs within the firewall's DMZ. A connection factory contacts the TLS proxy, requesting a TLS connection to the server. The proxy authenticates the application program, and mediates the initial TLS negotiation between application and server. After the TLS connection is established, the application and server use it to communicate directly with one another.
        host - the connection factory establishes TLS communication through a web proxy at this host. Supply a simple hostname, a fully qualified hostname with domain name, or an IP address (dot notation).
        port - the connection factory establishes TLS communication through a web proxy on this port.
        JMSException - if the proxy host is null or empty, the port is zero or the protocol of the connection factory's URL is not TLS.
      • setSSLProxyAuth

        public void setSSLProxyAuth​(java.lang.String username,
                                    java.lang.String password)
                             throws JMSException
        Set a connection factory's username and password for connecting through a TLS proxy. When a connection factory establishes an EMS server connection through a TLS proxy host, the proxy might first require authentication before facilitating a connection. When required, use this call to set that authentication data on the connection factory. Notice that this proxy authentication data is distinct from the server authentication data, and from the TLS private key encryption password.
        username - the connection factory authenticates itself to the TLS proxy using this username.
        password - the connection factory authenticates itself to the TLS proxy using this password.
        JMSException - if the protocol of the connection factory's URL is not TLS.
      • getSSLProxyHost

        public java.lang.String getSSLProxyHost()
                                         throws JMSException
        Get the TLS proxy host from this connection factory.
        the host
        JMSException - if the protocol of the connection factory's URL is not TLS.
      • getSSLProxyPort

        public int getSSLProxyPort()
                            throws JMSException
        Get the TLS proxy port from this connection factory.
        the port.
        JMSException - if the protocol of the connection factory's URL is not TLS.
      • getSSLProxyUser

        public java.lang.String getSSLProxyUser()
                                         throws JMSException
        Get the TLS proxy username from a connection factory.
        the username.
        JMSException - if the protocol of the connection factory's URL is not TLS.
      • getSSLProxyPassword

        public java.lang.String getSSLProxyPassword()
                                             throws JMSException
        Get the TLS proxy password from a connection factory.
        the password.
        JMSException - if the protocol of the connection factory's URL is not TLS.
      • setConnAttemptTimeout

        public void setConnAttemptTimeout​(int timeout)
        Set the Connect Attempt timeout for a given connection. Note: This timeout is per url and per connect_attempt. So if one were to specify 2 connect attempts for a given url then for each attempt the client will wait utmost connect attempt timeout for the connection to be established, if no connection is esablished within that time, the client's connection attempt is teared down if the client is hung either because of system resources unavailable on the server machine or because of some other error in the EMS Server NOTE: minimum value is 100 milliseconds, if value less than 100 milliseconds is specified, then during the connection establishment the minimum value of 100 milliseconds is used.
        timeout - the timeout is in milliseconds
      • setReconnAttemptTimeout

        public void setReconnAttemptTimeout​(int timeout)
        Set the Reconnect Attempt timeout for a given connection Note: This timeout is per url and per reconnect_attempt. So if one were to specify 2 reconnect attempts for a given url then for each attempt the client will wait utmost reconnect attempt timeout for the connection to be established, if no connection is esablished within that time, the client's reconnection attempt is teared down if the client is hung either because of system resources unavailable on the server machine or because of some other error in the EMS Server NOTE: minimum value is 100 milliseconds, if value less than 100 milliseconds is specified, then during the connection establishment the minimum value of 100 milliseconds is used.
        timeout - the timeout is in milliseconds
      • setMulticastEnabled

        public void setMulticastEnabled​(boolean enabled)
        As of release 8.3
        Set whether MessageConsumers subscribed to a multicast-enabled topic will receive messages over multicast.

        When enabled, MessageConsumers subscribed to a multicast-enabled topic will receive messages over multicast.

        The default is enabled.
        enabled - true to enable multicast, false to disable multicast
        EMS 5.0
      • setMulticastDaemon

        public void setMulticastDaemon​(java.lang.String port)
                                throws JMSException
        As of release 8.3
        Set the port on which the EMS client will connect to the multicast daemon.

        A connection to the multicast daemon is required when multicast is enabled and a MessageConsumer is subscribed to a multicast-enabled topic.

        NOTE: setting the port with this method will override the default port supplied by the EMS server.
        port - the port of the multicast daemon
        EMS 5.0