Class AdminPermissions

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibjms.admin.AdminPermissions

  • public class AdminPermissions
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class represents a set of positive and negative administrative permissions. Negative permissions are only returned when the entry is returned from the server. In grant() and revoke() methods only positive permissions are used to specify the set of permissions which should be granted or revoked. Applications normally use objects returned as a result of a server query to obtain administrative permissions. If any permissions have to be changed, a new AdminPermission object should be created.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminPermissions

        public AdminPermissions()
        Default constructor which creates empty set of permissions.
      • AdminPermissions

        public AdminPermissions​(long positive_perms)
        Creates a given set of positive permissions.
        positive_perms - the administrative permissions.
      • AdminPermissions

        public AdminPermissions​(long positive_perms,
                                long negative_perms)
        Creates a given sets of positive and negative permissions.
        positive_perms - the positive permissions.
        negative_perms - the negative permissions.
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Indicates whether or not this object has no negative or positive permissions set.
        a boolean to indicate whether or not both the positive and negative permissions are not set.
      • hasPositivePermission

        public boolean hasPositivePermission​(long perm)
        Indicates whether or not given positive permissions are set.
        perm - the positive permissions to be checked.
        boolean to indicate whether or not the positive permissions are set.
      • setPermission

        public void setPermission​(long perm,
                                  boolean grant)
        Set or unset positive permissions.
        perm - positive permissions to be granted or revoked.
        grant - true if the permissions are to be granted and false if the permissions are to be revoked.
      • hasNegativePermission

        public boolean hasNegativePermission​(long perm)
        Indicates whether or not given negative permissions are set.
        perm - the negative permissions to be checked.
        boolean to indicate whether or not the negative permissions are set.
      • hasInheritedPermission

        public boolean hasInheritedPermission​(long perm)
        Determine if the given permission is present in the Inherited Permissions.
        perm - permissions
        true if given permissions are all present in inherited permissions
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Generate a string representation of this AdminPermissions.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        String representation of this AdminPermissions.