Class ConnectionFactoryInfo

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibjms.admin.ConnectionFactoryInfo

  • public class ConnectionFactoryInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    A ConnectionFactoryInfo object represents a configured ConnectionFactory that can be retrieved by an EMS client through the built in JNDI implementation. This class is used to create and alter the properties of the ConnectionFactory.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static int METRIC_BYTE_RATE
      Connection factory load balances by generating a connection to the server with the lowest total byte rate, input and output.
      static int METRIC_CONNECTIONS
      Connection factory load balances by generating a connection to the server with the fewest number of connections.
      static int METRIC_NONE
      Connection factory is not load balanced.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      ConnectionFactoryInfo​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String clientID, int type, boolean xa, java.util.Map params)
      Creates ConnectionFactoryInfo.
      ConnectionFactoryInfo​(java.lang.String url, java.lang.String clientID, int type, java.util.Map params)
      Creates ConnectionFactoryInfo.
    • Field Detail


        public static final int METRIC_NONE
        Connection factory is not load balanced.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METRIC_CONNECTIONS
        Connection factory load balances by generating a connection to the server with the fewest number of connections.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int METRIC_BYTE_RATE
        Connection factory load balances by generating a connection to the server with the lowest total byte rate, input and output.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectionFactoryInfo

        public ConnectionFactoryInfo​(java.lang.String url,
                                     java.lang.String clientID,
                                     int type,
                                     java.util.Map params)
        Creates ConnectionFactoryInfo. The ConnectionFactory is not created on the server until TibjmsAdmin.createConnectionFactory() is called.
        url - The server URL for the factory.
        clientID - The clientID for the connection created by this factory.
        type - Factory type. Can be DestinationInfo.QUEUE_TYPE, DestinationInfo.TOPIC_TYPE or DestinationInfo.ALL_TYPE where latter creates a generic connection factory.
        params - The TLS parameters for the connections created with this factory (can be null).
      • ConnectionFactoryInfo

        public ConnectionFactoryInfo​(java.lang.String url,
                                     java.lang.String clientID,
                                     int type,
                                     boolean xa,
                                     java.util.Map params)
        Creates ConnectionFactoryInfo. The ConnectionFactory is not created on the server until TibjmsAdmin.createConnectionFactory() is called.
        url - The server URL for the factory.
        clientID - The clientID for the connection created by this factory.
        type - Factory type. Can be DestinationInfo.QUEUE_TYPE, DestinationInfo.TOPIC_TYPE or DestinationInfo.ALL_TYPE where latter creates a generic connection factory.
        xa - XA type. Set to true if this is an XA connection factory.
        params - The TLS parameters for the connections created with this factory (can be null).
    • Method Detail

      • getJNDINames

        public java.lang.String[] getJNDINames()
        Return the array of names that this factory is bound to in the default JNDI.
        the array of names for this factory.
      • getURL

        public java.lang.String getURL()
        Get the URL for this factory.
        the URL for this factory.
      • setURL

        public void setURL​(java.lang.String url)
        Set the URL for this factory.
        url - the URL for this factory.
      • getClientID

        public java.lang.String getClientID()
        Get the clientID for this factory.
        the clientID for this factory.
      • setClientID

        public void setClientID​(java.lang.String clientID)
        Set the clientID for this factory.
        clientID - the clientID for this factory.
      • getParams

        public java.util.Map getParams()
        Get the TLS parameters for this factory.
        the TLS parameters for this factory or null if none exist.
      • setSSLParams

        public void setSSLParams​(java.util.Map params)
        Set the TLS parameters for this factory.
        params - the TLS parameters for this factory (can be null).
      • getDestinationType

        public int getDestinationType()
        Get the destination type for this factory.
        the destination type for this factory. DestinationInfo.QUEUE_TYPE, DestinationInfo.TOPIC_TYPE or DestinationInfo.ALL_TYPE if it is a generic factory.
      • setDestinationType

        public void setDestinationType​(int destType)
        Set the destination type for this factory.
        destType - the destination type for this factory. Can be set as DestinationInfo.QUEUE_TYPE, DestinationInfo.TOPIC_TYPE or DestinationInfo.ALL_TYPE if generic factory.
      • getXAType

        public boolean getXAType()
        Returns whether or not the factory is an XA factory.
        true if this is XA factory, false otherwise.
      • setXAType

        public void setXAType​(boolean xa)
        Set (or unset) this factory as XA connection factory.
        xa - true if the factory is to be an XA connection factory, false if not.
      • isLoadBalanced

        public boolean isLoadBalanced()
        Indicates whether or not the connection factory is load balanced.
        true if the factory is load balanced, false otherwise.
      • getMetric

        public int getMetric()
        Get the metric used for load balancing. If the factory is not load balanced the metric returned will be METRIC_NONE. If the factory is load balanced but no metric has been set explicitly the metric returned will be the default METRIC_CONNECTIONS.
        the metric. Possible values are METRIC_CONNECTIONS, METRIC_BYTE_RATE or METRIC_NONE
      • setMetric

        public void setMetric​(int metric)
        Set the metric to be used for load balancing. If the factory is not load balanced the metric will have no effect.
        metric - the metric. Valid values are METRIC_CONNECTIONS, and METRIC_BYTE_RATE.
      • setConnectAttemptCount

        public void setConnectAttemptCount​(int count)
        Set the connect_attempt_count for this factory.
        count - the connect_attempt_count for this factory.
      • getConnectAttemptCount

        public int getConnectAttemptCount()
        Get the connect_attempt_count for this factory.
        the connect_attempt_count for this factory.
      • setConnectAttemptDelay

        public void setConnectAttemptDelay​(int delay)
        Set the connect_attempt_delay for this factory.
        delay - the connect_attempt_delay for this factory.
      • getConnectAttemptDelay

        public int getConnectAttemptDelay()
        Get the connect_attempt_delay for this factory.
        the connect_attempt_delay for this factory.
      • setConnectAttemptTimeout

        public void setConnectAttemptTimeout​(int connectAttemptTimeout)
        Set the connect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
        connectAttemptTimeout - the connect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
      • getConnectAttemptTimeout

        public int getConnectAttemptTimeout()
        Get the reconnect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
        the connect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
      • setReconnectAttemptCount

        public void setReconnectAttemptCount​(int count)
        Set the reconnect_attempt_count for this factory.
        count - the reconnect_attempt_count for this factory.
      • getReconnectAttemptCount

        public int getReconnectAttemptCount()
        Get the reconnect_attempt_count for this factory.
        the reconnect_attempt_count for this factory.
      • setReconnectAttemptDelay

        public void setReconnectAttemptDelay​(int delay)
        Set the reconnect_attempt_delay for this factory.
        delay - the reconnect_attempt_delay for this factory.
      • getReconnectAttemptDelay

        public int getReconnectAttemptDelay()
        Get the reconnect_attempt_delay for this factory.
        the reconnect_attempt_delay for this factory.
      • setReconnectAttemptTimeout

        public void setReconnectAttemptTimeout​(int reconnectAttemptTimeout)
        Set the reconnect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
        reconnectAttemptTimeout - the reconnect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
      • getReconnectAttemptTimeout

        public int getReconnectAttemptTimeout()
        Get the reconnect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
        the reconnect_attempt_timeout for this factory.
      • setMulticastEnabled

        public void setMulticastEnabled​(boolean multicastEnabled)
        As of release 8.3
        Set whether or not the factory is multicast-enabled.
        multicastEnabled - true if the factory is to be multicast-enabled
      • getMulticastEnabled

        public boolean getMulticastEnabled()
        As of release 8.3
        Returns whether or not the factory is multicast-enabled.
        true if this factory is multicast-enabled, false otherwise.
      • setMulticastDaemon

        public void setMulticastDaemon​(java.lang.String multicastDaemon)
        As of release 8.3
        Set the multicast daemon port for this factory.
        multicastDaemon - the multicast daemon port for this factory
      • getMulticastDaemon

        public java.lang.String getMulticastDaemon()
        As of release 8.3
        Get the multicast daemon port for this factory.
        the multicast daemon port for this factory
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Generate a string representation of this ConnectionFactoryInfo.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        a string representation of this ConnectionFactoryInfo.