Class StoreInfo

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibjms.admin.StoreInfo
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      double getAverageWriteTime()
      Get the average time (in seconds) a write call takes.
      long getFileSize()
      this method is not applicable to all store types.
      long getFreeSpace()
      this method is not applicable to all store types.
      long getMsgBytes()
      Get the total size of the data messages stored in the store.
      long getMsgCount()
      Get the number of data messages stored in the store.
      long getSwappedBytes()
      Get the total size of the data messages stored in the store as a result of swapping out non-persistent messages.
      long getSwappedCount()
      Get the number of data messages stored in the store as a result of swapping out non-persistent messages.
      long getUsedSpace()
      this method is not applicable to all store types.
      double getWriteUsage()
      Get the Ratio between time spent within write and total time (server_rate_interval).
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • getMsgCount

        public long getMsgCount()
        Get the number of data messages stored in the store.
        the number of messages
      • getMsgBytes

        public long getMsgBytes()
        Get the total size of the data messages stored in the store.
        the size in bytes
      • getSwappedCount

        public long getSwappedCount()
        Get the number of data messages stored in the store as a result of swapping out non-persistent messages.
        the number of messages
      • getSwappedBytes

        public long getSwappedBytes()
        Get the total size of the data messages stored in the store as a result of swapping out non-persistent messages.
        the size in bytes
      • getFreeSpace

        public long getFreeSpace()
        this method is not applicable to all store types. Instead, if applicable, use FileStoreInfo.getNotInUseSpace() or MStoreInfo.getNotInUseSpace().
        Get the amount of space in the store file that is not in use.
        the number of bytes that are free
      • getUsedSpace

        public long getUsedSpace()
        this method is not applicable to all store types. Instead, if applicable, use FileStoreInfo.getInUseSpace() or MStoreInfo.getInUseSpace().
        Get the amount of space in the store file that is in use.
        the number of bytes that are in use
      • getFileSize

        public long getFileSize()
        this method is not applicable to all store types. Instead, if applicable, use FileStoreInfo.getSize() or MStoreInfo.getSize().
        Get the total size of the store file.
        the size in bytes
      • getAverageWriteTime

        public double getAverageWriteTime()
        Get the average time (in seconds) a write call takes. This measurement is not available when the store is asynchronous.
        average time (in seconds) per write call. Always 0 when store is in asynchronous mode.
        EMS 6.1
      • getWriteUsage

        public double getWriteUsage()
        Get the Ratio between time spent within write and total time (server_rate_interval). This measurement is not available when the store is asynchronous.
        value between [0-1] representing the ratio between time spent writing and total time. Always 0 when store is in asynchronous mode.
        EMS 6.1