Class TibrvJMSTransport

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvTransport
      • com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvNetTransport
        • com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvJMSTransport

  • public class TibrvJMSTransport
    extends com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvNetTransport
    Network transport using TIBCO Enterprise Message Service EMS client to connect to the network. This transport can be used by Java Applets and Java applications. TibrvJMSTransport does not require JNI library. It connects to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server directly. To receive notification in case the underlying EMS transport is terminated, use Tibrv.setErrorCallback() method.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates EMS transport connecting to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server running on the local computer with default port.
      TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL)
      Creates EMS transport connecting to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server specified by serverURL parameter.
      TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
      Creates EMS transport connecting as specified user to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.
      TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.util.Hashtable sslParameters)
      Creates EMS transport connecting via TLS to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.
      TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL, java.lang.String clientId, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password, java.util.Hashtable sslParameters, boolean emulateReconnect)
      Create EMS transport which has the ability to reconnect to a server among a list of comma separated EMS servers in the event of current connection is down.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void destroy()
      Destroys this transport and all associated listeners.
      void destroyInbox​(java.lang.String inbox)
      Explicitly destroy an inbox when automatic inbox garbage collection is disabled.
      java.lang.String getCurrentConnectedServer()
      Get the url of currently connected server.
      java.lang.String getDurableListenerMode()
      Returns currently configured durable listener name prefix.
      boolean isPersistentDelivery()
      Returns true if persistent delivery mode is set for this transport.
      void recoverConnection()
      This method is used to reestablish a connection with an EMS server.
      void setDurableListenerMode​(java.lang.String durableNamePrefix)
      Set or cancel durable listener mode.
      void setInboxGarbageCollection​(boolean val)
      Enable or disable automatic inbox garbage collection.
      void setPersistentDelivery​(boolean persistent)
      Set persistent delivery mode for this transport.
      java.lang.String toString()
      Returns string representation of this transport
      void unsubscribe​(java.lang.String durableNamePrefix, java.lang.String subject)
      Unsubscribe durable Jakarta Messaging subscriber previously created for Rendezvous listener in durable listener mode.
      • Methods inherited from class com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvTransport

        createInbox, getDescription, isValid, requestReliability, send, sendReply, sendRequest, setDescription
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TibrvJMSTransport

        public TibrvJMSTransport()
                          throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Creates EMS transport connecting to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server running on the local computer with default port.
      • TibrvJMSTransport

        public TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL)
                          throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Creates EMS transport connecting to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server specified by serverURL parameter.
      • TibrvJMSTransport

        public TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL,
                                 java.lang.String clientId,
                                 java.lang.String userName,
                                 java.lang.String password)
                          throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Creates EMS transport connecting as specified user to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.
      • TibrvJMSTransport

        public TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL,
                                 java.lang.String clientId,
                                 java.lang.String userName,
                                 java.lang.String password,
                                 java.util.Hashtable sslParameters)
                          throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Creates EMS transport connecting via TLS to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server. TLS parameters which can be set in the sslParameters Hashtable are documented in com.tibco.tibjms.TibjmsSSL class.
      • TibrvJMSTransport

        public TibrvJMSTransport​(java.lang.String serverURL,
                                 java.lang.String clientId,
                                 java.lang.String userName,
                                 java.lang.String password,
                                 java.util.Hashtable sslParameters,
                                 boolean emulateReconnect)
                          throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Create EMS transport which has the ability to reconnect to a server among a list of comma separated EMS servers in the event of current connection is down. The server is picked in round robin fashion. The reconnect will start with last connected server.
    • Method Detail

      • destroy

        public void destroy()
        Destroys this transport and all associated listeners.
        Specified by:
        destroy in class com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvTransport
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns string representation of this transport
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • setPersistentDelivery

        public void setPersistentDelivery​(boolean persistent)
        Set persistent delivery mode for this transport.
      • isPersistentDelivery

        public boolean isPersistentDelivery()
        Returns true if persistent delivery mode is set for this transport.
      • setDurableListenerMode

        public void setDurableListenerMode​(java.lang.String durableNamePrefix)
                                    throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Set or cancel durable listener mode. If parameter durableNamePrefix specifies non-empty string, all subsequent calls to create Rendezvous listeners on this transport will use durable Jakarta Messaging subscribers created on a Session with AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE acknowledge mode and with name durableNamePrefix:subject-name. Such subscribers remain present even if corresponding Rendezvous listener is closed via TibrvListener.destroy(). If an application creates identical Rendesvous listener again, it will receive messages sent to it while it was offline. To completely destroy durable listener, it must be first destroyed via call to TibrvListener.destroy() and then unsubscribed via call to unsubscribe() method. If this method is called with null parameter it cancels durable listener mode such that subsequent calls to create Rendezvous listeners will not use durable Jakarta Messaging subscribers. This method can be also used to change durable subscriber name prefix at any time.
        durableNamePrefix - set durable listener mode if not empty, cancel durable subscriber mode if this parameter is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parameter is an empty string.
        com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException - if listener creation failed for any reason.
      • getDurableListenerMode

        public java.lang.String getDurableListenerMode()
        Returns currently configured durable listener name prefix. Returns null if durable listener mode is not set.
      • recoverConnection

        public void recoverConnection()
                               throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        This method is used to reestablish a connection with an EMS server. The transport has to be created with emulate reconnect mode set to true if non-fault-tolarent behavior of a ',' separated server URL list is desired.
        com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException - if a new connection was not established.
      • getCurrentConnectedServer

        public java.lang.String getCurrentConnectedServer()
        Get the url of currently connected server.
        server url
      • unsubscribe

        public void unsubscribe​(java.lang.String durableNamePrefix,
                                java.lang.String subject)
                         throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Unsubscribe durable Jakarta Messaging subscriber previously created for Rendezvous listener in durable listener mode. Notice this method must be called only after corresponding Rendezvous listener has beed destroyed. If Rendezvous listener is not destroyed this method throws exception.
        durableNamePrefix - durable name prefix specified at the time Rendezvous listener was created.
        subject - listener subject.
        com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException - if listener with such name prefix and subject was never created or if it is open (not destroyed).
      • setInboxGarbageCollection

        public void setInboxGarbageCollection​(boolean val)
                                       throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Enable or disable automatic inbox garbage collection. By default, when the application creates an inbox, creates a listener on that inbox and finally destroys the listener on that inbox, the transport automatically garbage collects the inbox and its resources. If the application needs to create a listener on the same inbox more than once, this method can be used to disable automatic inbox garbage collection.
        val - equals false to disable inbox garbage collection.
        com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException - if any inboxes already exist when this method is called.
      • destroyInbox

        public void destroyInbox​(java.lang.String inbox)
                          throws com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException
        Explicitly destroy an inbox when automatic inbox garbage collection is disabled.
        inbox - inbox to be destroyed.
        com.tibco.tibrv.TibrvException - if automatic garbage collection is enabled or if the string is not an inbox.