Package javax.jms

Interface ServerSessionPool

  • public interface ServerSessionPool
    A ServerSessionPool object is an object implemented by an application server to provide a pool of ServerSession objects for processing the messages of a ConnectionConsumer (optional).

    Its only method is getServerSession. The Jakarta Messaging API does not architect how the pool is implemented. It could be a static pool of ServerSession objects, or it could use a sophisticated algorithm to dynamically create ServerSession objects as needed.

    If the ServerSessionPool is out of ServerSession objects, the getServerSession call may block. If a ConnectionConsumer is blocked, it cannot deliver new messages until a ServerSession is eventually returned.

    JMS 1.0
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • getServerSession

        ServerSession getServerSession()
                                throws JMSException
        Return a server session from the pool.
        a server session from the pool
        JMSException - if an application server fails to return a ServerSession out of its server session pool.