Symbolic Number Coding
Encode ranges of numbers as symbols for compact printouts.
symnum(x, cutpoints = c(0.3, 0.6, 0.8, 0.9, 0.95),
symbols = if (numeric.x) c(" ", ".", ",", "+", "*", "B") else c(".", "|"),
legend = length(symbols) >= 3, na = "?", eps = 1e-05, numeric.x = is.numeric(x),
corr = missing(cutpoints) && numeric.x, show.max = if (corr) "1", show.min = NULL,
abbr.colnames = has.colnames, lower.triangular = corr && is.numeric(x) && is.matrix(x),
diag.lower.tri = corr && !is.null(show.max))
x |
a numeric or logical vector, matrix or array. NAs are accepted.
cutpoints |
a numeric vector of cut points (without duplicates) to specify the intervals.
If corr is TRUE, the cutpoints must be between of 0 and 1
(exclusive), and are extended with 0 and 1.
The range of the possibly extended cutpoints vector must cover the range of x
(or abs(x) if corr is TRUE).
symbols |
a character vector of symbols corresponding to the intervals between
the possibly extended cutpoints (for numeric x) or to FALSE and TRUE,
respectively (for logical x).
legend |
a logical value. If TRUE, an attribute "legend" is returned in the result.
na |
a character string to represent missing values in x.
If NULL, then NAs are symbolized with the empty string
and the legend does not mention NAs.
eps |
a number to specify the tolerance of precision.
eps is used to check the left and right boundary of cutpoints when
the show.min or show.max arguments are used.
numeric.x |
a logical value to specify whether x is numeric.
show.max |
can be one of the following:
- a character string representing a special symbol for those elements of x equal to the maximum of cutpoints.
- a logical TRUE if the the maximum of cutpoints is formatted (without decimal) as this special symbol.
- a logical FALSE and NULL if there is no special symbol for this case.
show.min |
can be one of the following:
- a character string representing a special symbol for those elements of x equal to the minimum of cutpoints.
- a logical TRUE if the minimum of cutpoints is formated (without decimal) as this special symbol.
- a logical FALSE and NULL if there is no special symbol for this case.
corr |
a logical value to indicate if x contains correlations.
If TRUE, then x is treated as abs(x), and 0 and 1
are added to the vector of cutpoints.
abbr.colnames |
a logical, an integer, or NULL specifying the way to abbreviate column names.
lower.triangular |
a logical value to indicate that the upper triangle of a matrix output should be encoded as emtpy
strings. It is valid only when x is a matrix.
If TRUE, the upper triangle of the matrix is symbolized with the empty string (therefore it is not shown).
If FALSE, the entire matrix of is encoded.
diag.lower.tri |
a logical value used only when lower.triangular is TRUE.
If TRUE, the diagonals are encoded as symbols; otherwise, they
are encoded by empty strings.
returns an object of class "noquote" with the same dimension as x, possibly with an attribute called "legend".
See Also
symnum(outer(sin(1:9), seq(-1, .5, by=1/4), `>`), symbols=c(".", "+"))