Get the Names of the Projects Stored in the AMS


Get a list of projects and their id's stored in the AMS.


amsListProjects(url, apiToken, port = 2185, raw=FALSE)


url the URL for the AMS. The default is the cached value saved when amsLogin was called.
apiToken a character value. The API token to connect to the AMS. The default is the cached value created when amsLogin was called.
port a numeric value. The port for connecting to the AMS. The default is the cached value saved when amsLogin was called.
raw a logical value, if TRUE, return a list with the raw results from the connection to the AMS. The default is to extract the project names and ids from the raw results in a data.frame.


The amsImport function creates a project and adds an initial artifact to the project.
A warning will be issued if the return status is not 200 (success).
The default (raw=FALSE is a data.frame with columns:
projectName the names of the projects in the AMS.
entityId the ids of each project.
If raw=TRUE, a list is returned with components:
body a character vector with the body of the results from the connection to the AMS. This is in JSON format.
status an integer return code from the connection to the AMS. A value of 200 indicates a successful operation.
headers a character vector containing the headers returned from the connection to the AMS.
See Also
## Not run: 
amsLogin("http://localhost", "fakeuser", "fakepassword")
projTable <- amsListProjects()
## End(Not run)
Package AMS version 6.1.4-13
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